울산지역 여고생의 영양섭취상태와 식습관에 관한 연구

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A Study on Nutritional Status and Dietary Habit of Female High School Students Residing in Ulsan
본 연구는 울산 지역 여고생 383명을 대상으로 설문지를 통한 영양섭취상태와 식생활습관을 조사하였다. 대상자의 평균 신장과 체중은 161.24±4.90cm 및 53.12±6.37kg이었고, 평균신체중량지수(BMI)는 20.43±2.26으로 정상 범위에 속하였다. 대상자의 영양소 섭취량을 보면 인, 비타민 A, 비타민 B2, 나이아신, 비타민 C를 제외하고는 모든 영양소 섭취량이 권장량보다 낮았다. 권장량의 80%미만 섭취한 영양소는 칼슘, 총열량이었으며, 철분의 섭취량은 권장량의 82.74%, 비타민B1은 87.27%로 영양섭취상태가 낮게 나타났다.

대상자의 식습관 문제점으로는 '자주 식사를 거른다'고 응답한 사람이 전체의 78.3%,'음식을 먹다가 남기는 경우가 많다'는 76.5%, '식사시간이 불규칙적이다'가 79.9%이었고, '가끔 많은 양의 음식을 한꺼번에 먹는다'라고 응답한 사람이 65.8%로 나타났다. 식습관의 평균 점수는 김치(3.97±1.22), 과일(3.81±1.22), 우유(3.75±1.20), 녹황색 채소(3.07±1.22)는 많이 먹고 있는 것으로 나타났고, 육류(2.63±0.86), 생선(2.25±0.83), 해조류(2.46±1.00), 닭고기(1.93±0.73),는 비교적 적게 먹는 것으로 나타났다. 그리고 식사시 적당한 양을 먹고 있었으나, 식품배합을 생각하지 않고 먹는 것으로 나타나, 우리나라 여고생의 올바른 식습관과 생활 습관이 형성될 수 있도록 지속적인 영양 교육이 계획되고 실시되어야 하겠다고 본다.
This study was designed to assess nutrients intake and dietary habit of 383 female high school students in Ulsan City. The average height and weight of respondents were 161.24±4.90cm and 53.12±6.37kg. The average BMI was 20.43±2.26 which was in the normal range. As for nutrient intake, the intake levels of all nutrients were below the RDA except p, vitamin A, vitamin B2, niacin, and vitamin C. Calcium and total calories were consumed less than 80% of RDA. The intake of Fe was 82.74% of RDA and the intake of vitamin Bl was 87.27%. It could be concluded that the status of dietary intake was inadequate from these findings.

As for the problem of dietary habits, 78.3% of subjects reported that 'skipping a meal frequently' was the problem and 76.5% answered that 'leftover' was the problem.

79.9% of subjects answered that 'irregular meal time' was the problem and 65.8% of subjects reported that 'eating too much at a time occasionally' is the problem. The respondents ate plenty of kimchi(3.97 ± 1.22), fruits(3.81 ±0.22), milk(3.75土 1.20), green leafy vegetables(3.07±1.22). However, they were lacking in meat(2.63±0.86), fish(2.25±0.83) and chicken(1.93±0.73). Respondents ate adequate amounts of foods at a meal, they did not regard the balance of diet. Therefore, proper nutrition education is required to maintain desirable dietary habits.
This study was designed to assess nutrients intake and dietary habit of 383 female high school students in Ulsan City. The average height and weight of respondents were 161.24±4.90cm and 53.12±6.37kg. The average BMI was 20.43±2.26 which was in the normal range. As for nutrient intake, the intake levels of all nutrients were below the RDA except p, vitamin A, vitamin B2, niacin, and vitamin C. Calcium and total calories were consumed less than 80% of RDA. The intake of Fe was 82.74% of RDA and the intake of vitamin Bl was 87.27%. It could be concluded that the status of dietary intake was inadequate from these findings.

As for the problem of dietary habits, 78.3% of subjects reported that 'skipping a meal frequently' was the problem and 76.5% answered that 'leftover' was the problem.

79.9% of subjects answered that 'irregular meal time' was the problem and 65.8% of subjects reported that 'eating too much at a time occasionally' is the problem. The respondents ate plenty of kimchi(3.97 ± 1.22), fruits(3.81 ±0.22), milk(3.75土 1.20), green leafy vegetables(3.07±1.22). However, they were lacking in meat(2.63±0.86), fish(2.25±0.83) and chicken(1.93±0.73). Respondents ate adequate amounts of foods at a meal, they did not regard the balance of diet. Therefore, proper nutrition education is required to maintain desirable dietary habits.
Issued Date
Research Laboratory
Alternative Author(s)
Hong, SoonmyungHwang, Hyejin
울산대학교 저작물은 저작권에 의해 보호받습니다.
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Research Laboratory > Journal of human ecology
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