영어발달에 관한 고찰

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A Brief Study on the Growth of the English Language
현재 영어는 전 세계에서 가장 광범위하게 사용되고 있다. 따라서 다른 언어에 미치는 영향도 상당히 크다고 봐야하겠다. 그러나 이러한 영향을 미치게 된 것은 영어의 발전과정에서 볼때 극히 최근에 일어난 일이다. 19세기까지만 하드라도 영어를 말하는 인구는 불어, 독일어 및 서반아어의 사용인구에 비해서 훨씬 더 적었다. 그래서 영어는 오히려 이러한 언어들의 영향을 받으면서 성장했었다. 어쨌든 결과적으로 영어는 현재 국제적인 언어로 발전하였고 앞으로도 국제간의 교류에 있어서 공인된 매개체의 역할을 담당할 것이다.

이 논문에서는 영어의 성장 과정과 영어가 수시로 변화하는 환경에 어떻게 적으암을러써 세계에서 가장 널리 사용되는 언어로 인정받게 되었는가를 역사적으로 고찰해 보고자 한다.
English is now spoken most widely in the world. Its influence upon other languages is also considerably great, but that influence has been exerted on them quite recently form the view-point of its historical development.

Until the nineteenth century, the English lauguage was far exceeded in the number of its speakers by some other languages, such as French, German, and Spanich. And it had grown with the influences of those languages. AS a result, English has become an international language and is likely to remain as the recognized medium of international relations.

In this thesis, I intend to trace back how the English language has grown and how it has adapted itself to the changing circumstances to be accepted as the most widespread language in the world.
English is now spoken most widely in the world. Its influence upon other languages is also considerably great, but that influence has been exerted on them quite recently form the view-point of its historical development.

Until the nineteenth century, the English lauguage was far exceeded in the number of its speakers by some other languages, such as French, German, and Spanich. And it had grown with the influences of those languages. AS a result, English has become an international language and is likely to remain as the recognized medium of international relations.

In this thesis, I intend to trace back how the English language has grown and how it has adapted itself to the changing circumstances to be accepted as the most widespread language in the world.
Issued Date
Research Laboratory
Alternative Author(s)
Kim, Sang-Hoon
울산대학교 저작물은 저작권에 의해 보호받습니다.
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Research Laboratory > University of Ulsan Report
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