Keats시의 비극 비향성

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Keats's Poetic Goal: Tragedy
Keats의 편지는 Keats시의 주제와 형식적인 측면에서의 목표를 알려준다.: 주제적인 측면에서 Keats는 상상력을 이용하여 고통으로 가득찬 비극적인 우리 삶이 지니는 궁극걱친 의미를 파악코저 했다. : 형식적인 측면에서는 극화를 통해 주제가 간접적으로 제시되는 비개성적인 시, 드라마로서의 시를 지향했다. 그의 이 두 목표가 실현될 때 시는 비극의 특서을 지니게 된다 ; 비극이란 비극적인 세계상을 초극할 수 있는 초월적인 원리를 제시함으로써 삶을 긍정할 수 있는 힘을 제시하는 것이기 때문이다. 따라서 Keats는 궁극적으로 비극을 지향한 시인이라는 결론을 내릴수 있다.

Keats Keats의 대표작인 5편의 Ode는 이 결론을 입증하고 있다. "Ode to Psyche"어서 Keats는 상상력이 궁극적인 진리를 포착할 능력이 있다는 인식론적인 측면에서의 상상력의 기능을 주장함으로써, 자신이 상상력의 힘으로 이 삶이 지니는 궁극적인 의미를 포착할 수 있으리라는 가능성을 시사한다. "Ode on Melancholy"는 Keats가 초극의 대상으로 삼은 유한한 삶의 비극성을 제시하며 "Ode to a Nightingale"과 "Ode on, a Grecian Urn"은 이 비극적인 세계상으로 휴메니스트인 Keats가 겪는 고뇌와 갈등을 부각시킨다. 비극적인 세계상과 이로 인한 Keats의 고뇌와 갈등이 강조되는 세 편의 시는 그의 이상인 극화된 시에 가까워지기 보다는 자신의 감정을 직접적으로 토로하는 진술의 시에 접근한다. 삶의 비극적인 실태는 파악했으나 이를 해결할 초월적인 원리를 발견해 내지 못한 상태에서 시의 제재가 되는 삶을 객관적으로 다룰 수는 없었기 때문이다. "To Autumn"에 이르러 Keats는 비극적인 세계상을 초극하며 삶에 새로운 의미를 부여할 수 있는 세계관을 제시한다 : 그가 제시하는 초월적인 원리는 삶의 모든 현상이 아름다움과 가치를 지닌다는 세계관으로, 이것은 죽음을 영원히 계속되는 우주의 삶과 죽음의 한 단계로 파악하여 죽음을 수용한 결과이다. 비극적인 삶의 고뇌를 극복할 수 있게 된 Keats 는 객관적인 거리를 두고 제재를 다루며, 극화를 통해 자신의 새로운 세계관을 제시한다 : 그?? 이상인 비개성적인 시를 쓰게 된 것이다. 그 결과 주제와 형식상의 목표가 모두 실현된 "To Autumn"은 비극의 특성을 지니는 시가 되며, Keats의 시가 궁극적으로 비극을 지향하고 있음을 알려준다.
Keats's letters show his thematic and artistic purposes: as an intense lover of "here and now." he decided to explore through the imagination into the ultimate reality of our tragic life to give it meaning; and unlike other Romantic poets, he, shunning self-expression, wished to write the most objective form of poetry, poetic drama. These goals lead up to the conclusion that his poetic goal turned towards tragedy; because tragedy is a force for life affirmation through suggesting the principle of moral or spiritual transcendence which can absorb the tragic vision.

Keats's 5 great odes of 1819 attest to this conclusion. In "Ode to Psyche," Keats suggests a solution that his thematic goal of life affirmation can be achieved be the imagination through extolling the epistemological importance of the invagination that only it can grasp the ultimate reality. His understanding of ironic mutability of life which he tried to overcome is given clear expression in "Ode on Melancholy"; "Ode to a Nightingale" and "Ode on a Grecian Urn" convey Keats's suffering from this tragic vision and emphasize it by showing his conflict between his love of the human and his desire to escape it. He was now in the state that he just understood the burden of mortality without any principle to redeem his agony. Which explains, why these three poems are away from his artistic goal, the theme stated explicitly with his strong uncontrolled voice: he couldn't deal with his subject, that is, life objectively unless he conquered his tragic vision. In "To Autumn", we finally find an achievement of his poetic goal. He overcome limitations of our earthly life by firmly accepting the mutability: seeing death as one process of eternal cycle of death and rebirth, he accepts life as it is with the conviction of "the principle of beauty in all things. " Because of this thematic achievement his artistic goal can be fulfilled : the theme inheres in the subject with the poet adding no explanation or definitions: his poem finally arrives at drama. With his poetic goal attained, "To Autumn" can be read as tragdy, through which we can be sure that Keat's poetic goal is to write tragedies.
Keats's letters show his thematic and artistic purposes: as an intense lover of "here and now." he decided to explore through the imagination into the ultimate reality of our tragic life to give it meaning; and unlike other Romantic poets, he, shunning self-expression, wished to write the most objective form of poetry, poetic drama. These goals lead up to the conclusion that his poetic goal turned towards tragedy; because tragedy is a force for life affirmation through suggesting the principle of moral or spiritual transcendence which can absorb the tragic vision.

Keats's 5 great odes of 1819 attest to this conclusion. In "Ode to Psyche," Keats suggests a solution that his thematic goal of life affirmation can be achieved be the imagination through extolling the epistemological importance of the invagination that only it can grasp the ultimate reality. His understanding of ironic mutability of life which he tried to overcome is given clear expression in "Ode on Melancholy"; "Ode to a Nightingale" and "Ode on a Grecian Urn" convey Keats's suffering from this tragic vision and emphasize it by showing his conflict between his love of the human and his desire to escape it. He was now in the state that he just understood the burden of mortality without any principle to redeem his agony. Which explains, why these three poems are away from his artistic goal, the theme stated explicitly with his strong uncontrolled voice: he couldn't deal with his subject, that is, life objectively unless he conquered his tragic vision. In "To Autumn", we finally find an achievement of his poetic goal. He overcome limitations of our earthly life by firmly accepting the mutability: seeing death as one process of eternal cycle of death and rebirth, he accepts life as it is with the conviction of "the principle of beauty in all things. " Because of this thematic achievement his artistic goal can be fulfilled : the theme inheres in the subject with the poet adding no explanation or definitions: his poem finally arrives at drama. With his poetic goal attained, "To Autumn" can be read as tragdy, through which we can be sure that Keat's poetic goal is to write tragedies.
Issued Date
Research Laboratory
Alternative Author(s)
Lee, Young-Sool
울산대학교 저작물은 저작권에 의해 보호받습니다.
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