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Analysis of Term Infants With Significant Respiratory Complications
A group of 33 term infants with significant respiratory complications were compared with 3,194 term infants delivered during the same time period and without respiratory morbidity. Compared with controls, the study group had a higher incidence of antepartum risk factors such as intrautirne growth retardation(12.1% versus 0.41%), postdatism(18.2% versus 2.79%) and intrapartum risk factors such as abnormal FHR(42.$% verse 3.2%), meconium-stained amniotic fluid(72.7% versus 6.9%). The odds ratio of intrauterine growth retardation for significant respiratory complications is 33.75 and that of postdatism is 7.753. The odds ratio of abnormal FHR for significant respiratory complications is 22.12 and ,that of meconium-stained amniotic fluid is 36.23. Even in the presence of normal intrapartum FHR and 5-minute Apgar scores, infants with meconium-staines amniotic fluid had an indicidence of respiratory complications 7∼8 times higher than those with clear amniotic fluid. Anterpartum risk factors, meconium-stained amniotic fluid, and abnormal FHR identified the fetus at high risk for significant respiratory complications.
A group of 33 term infants with significant respiratory complications were compared with 3,194 term infants delivered during the same time period and without respiratory morbidity. Compared with controls, the study group had a higher incidence of antepartum risk factors such as intrautirne growth retardation(12.1% versus 0.41%), postdatism(18.2% versus 2.79%) and intrapartum risk factors such as abnormal FHR(42.$% verse 3.2%), meconium-stained amniotic fluid(72.7% versus 6.9%). The odds ratio of intrauterine growth retardation for significant respiratory complications is 33.75 and that of postdatism is 7.753. The odds ratio of abnormal FHR for significant respiratory complications is 22.12 and ,that of meconium-stained amniotic fluid is 36.23. Even in the presence of normal intrapartum FHR and 5-minute Apgar scores, infants with meconium-staines amniotic fluid had an indicidence of respiratory complications 7∼8 times higher than those with clear amniotic fluid. Anterpartum risk factors, meconium-stained amniotic fluid, and abnormal FHR identified the fetus at high risk for significant respiratory complications.
Issued Date
Research Laboratory
Alternative Author(s)
Lee, In-SikKim, AhmMok, Jung-Eun
울산대학교 저작물은 저작권에 의해 보호받습니다.
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Appears in Collections:
Research Laboratory > The ULSAN university medical journal
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