교과명에 나타난 시각디자인 교육의 변화

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A Study of Changes on the Visual Communication Design Education in Major Subjects
우리나라에 대학교육이 시작되고 지금의 발전된 대학들의 모습이 있기까지는 많은 변화가 있었다. 디자인 교육도 해방직전부터 시작하여 지금에 이르기까지 많은 변화속에 다양한 전공들이 생겨났다. '도안과'라는 전공으로 시작되어 지금은 컴퓨터 정보화 시대를 반영이라도 하듯 멀티미디어디자인전공까지 탄생하기에 이르는 많은 변화를 가져온 것이다.

이러한 변화와 더불어 교과과정도 개정을 거듭하게 되었고 그 속의 교과목 또한 그 시대를

반영하면서 변화 되어왔다. 시각디자인 전공도 그 예외는 아니었다. 특히 시각디자인 전공은

시각에 전달하고자 하는 모든 매체의 수용을 해야하는 전공의 특성상 컴퓨터라는 새로운 매

체를 어떻게 수용하여 가르칠 것이냐 하는 문제가 매우 중용시 되고 있는 시점이다. 기존의

교과목과 컴퓨터그래픽디자인 교과목을 적절히 수용하여 활용하는 대학교육이 하루 빨리 정

착되어야 하기 때문이다.

본 연구는 인터넷상의 웹사이트에 올려져 있는 우리나라 4년제 대학 홈페이지의 시각디자

인 전공 교과목을 분석하여 평균치를 파악해 봄으로서 각 대학들이 그들의 교과과정을 평균

치와 비교하거나 교과과정 개정때 비교 분석할 자료로 활용할 수 있을 것이다.
Korea adopted a university education, which it would have been many changes and

innovations until modem developed university has its distinct feature. Design education

is started just before release of korea and it has inclueded various majors in many

changes until now. On the basis of 'Design', multi-media has been happened and it

shows the era of computer.

With this change, the School Curriculum was tried many revisions and major subjects

has had many changes reflecting the trend of the times. The Visual Communication

Design Education is no exception to this. Especially the Visual Communication Design

Education has a special quality that accept all kinds of medium which can deliver on

visual angle. Also tit takes the problem that how to receive and teach new

medium-Computer. The University education that original subject and new computer

subject are mixed appropriately must be established promptly. We reside at the very

point where past and present merge toward the future of computer graphic design.

This study analyzes the curriculum of Visual Communication Design Education of

Korean University which exists on Website of Internet and shows the mean value. Each

of the schools may compare their curriculum with average or can utilize it when they

need necessary data in curriculum edition.
Korea adopted a university education, which it would have been many changes and

innovations until modem developed university has its distinct feature. Design education

is started just before release of korea and it has inclueded various majors in many

changes until now. On the basis of 'Design', multi-media has been happened and it

shows the era of computer.

With this change, the School Curriculum was tried many revisions and major subjects

has had many changes reflecting the trend of the times. The Visual Communication

Design Education is no exception to this. Especially the Visual Communication Design

Education has a special quality that accept all kinds of medium which can deliver on

visual angle. Also tit takes the problem that how to receive and teach new

medium-Computer. The University education that original subject and new computer

subject are mixed appropriately must be established promptly. We reside at the very

point where past and present merge toward the future of computer graphic design.

This study analyzes the curriculum of Visual Communication Design Education of

Korean University which exists on Website of Internet and shows the mean value. Each

of the schools may compare their curriculum with average or can utilize it when they

need necessary data in curriculum edition.
Issued Date
Research Laboratory
울산대학교 저작물은 저작권에 의해 보호받습니다.
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Appears in Collections:
Research Laboratory > Journal of design
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