배치특성에 따른 마을기반형 중학교 건축공간 재구조화 전략연구 - 울산광역시 소재 중학교 중심으로 -
- Alternative Title
- A study on the restructuring strategy of the architectural space of the community-based middle school according to the layout characteristics - Middle School in Ulsan metropolitan city -
- Abstract
- This study proposes a spatial restructuring strategy as a community-based school that can be opened stepby step based on the existing middle school construction environment and village. Middle schools preparing to adaptto the co-educational environment were selected in earnest, and the necessity of community learning and thearchitectural direction for restructuring the school space were summarized. Through domestic and foreign cases, thearchitectural strategy for restructuring the community-based school space was derived into three types (physicalexpansion, boundary structure reset, and selective movement system). In order to implement the above strategy, the layout typeof middle school in Ulsan metropolitan city and the composition of the reference space for the co-learning support programwere identified. It was found that the co-learning support group was adjacent to the entry space, and to the propose of arestructuring scenario, it was classified into four types (simultaneous accessible, front door access predominant, back dooraccess predominant and deep entry dominant). The possibility of three architectural strategies was identified for each type, andthe strategy of rearranging existing programs and expanding or editing openings was highly ranked. This study began with theneed for learning that adolescents should grow together with villages, and we expect true learning growth through theimprovement of the architectural relationship structure between villages and schools.
- Author(s)
- Kwon Seo Young; Yoo Myoung-Hee
- Issued Date
- 2023
- Type
- Article
- Keyword
- 배치특성; 마을기반; 중학교; 재구조화; 공동체학습; 프로세스; Layout characteristics; Community-based; Middle school; Restructuring; Community learning; Process
- https://oak.ulsan.ac.kr/handle/2021.oak/15765
- Publisher
- 한국문화공간건축학회논문집
- Language
- 한국어
- 1738-818X
- Citation Volume
- 1
- Citation Number
- 81
- Citation Start Page
- 45
- Citation End Page
- 56
Appears in Collections:
- Engineering > Architectural Engineering
- 공개 및 라이선스
- 파일 목록
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