Preoperative Prediction of Sinonasal Inverted Papilloma-associated Squamous Cell Carcinoma (IP-SCC)
- Abstract
- Introduction: Sinonasal inverted papillomas (IP) can undergo transformation into IP-squamous cell carcinomas (IP-SCC). More aggressive treatment plan should be established when IP-SCC is suspected. Nevertheless, inaccuracy of the preoperative punch biopsy results to detect IP-SCC from IP raises the need for an additional strategy. The present study aimed to investigate significant clinicoradiological remarks associated with IP-SCC than IP.
Material and methods: Postoperative surgical specimens obtained from patients with confirmed IP or IP-SCC at a single tertiary medical center from 1997 to 2018 were retrospectively evaluated. Patients' demographic and clinical characteristics, preoperative in-office punch biopsy results, and preoperative computed tomography (CT) or magnetic resonance images were reviewed. Univariate and multivariate analyses were performed to assess the odds ratio (OR) associated with IP-SCC. The area under the curve (AUC) in the receiver Operating Characteristic (ROC) curve was calculated in the prediction model to discriminate IP-SCC from IP.
Results: The study included 44 IP-SCC and 301 patients with IP. The diagnostic sensitivity of in-office punch biopsy to detect IP-SCC was 70.7%. Multivariate analysis showed that factors significantly associated with IP-SCC included tobacco smoking >10PY (adjusted-OR [aOR]: 4.1), epistaxis (aOR: 3.4), facial pain (aOR: 4.2), bony destruction (aOR: 37.6), bony remodeling (aOR: 36.3), and invasion of adjacent structures (aOR: 31.6) (all p < 0.05). Combining all significantly related clinicoradiological features, the ability to discriminate IP-SCC from IP reached an AUC of 0.974.
Conclusion: IP patients with a history of tobacco smoking, facial pain, epistaxis, and bony destruction, remodeling, or invasion of an adjacent structure on preoperative images may be at higher risk for IP-SCC.
- Author(s)
- Marn Joon Park; Wonki Cho; Ji Heui Kim; Yoo-Sam Chung; Yong Ju Jang; Myeong Sang Yu
- Issued Date
- 2023
- Type
- Article
- Keyword
- computed tomography; inverted papilloma; sinonasal tumors; squamous cell carcinoma
- 10.1002/lary.30583
- Publisher
- Language
- 한국어
- 0023-852X
- Citation Volume
- 133
- Citation Number
- 10
- Citation Start Page
- 2502
- Citation End Page
- 2510
Appears in Collections:
- Medicine > Nursing
- 공개 및 라이선스
- 파일 목록
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