A prospective, randomized, non-blinded, non-inferiority pilot study to assess the effect of low-dose anti-thymocyte globulin with low-dose tacrolimus and early steroid withdrawal on clinical outcomes in non-sensitized living-donor kidney recipients

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A prospective, randomized, non-blinded, non-inferiority pilot study to assess the effect of low-dose anti-thymocyte globulin with low-dose tacrolimus and early steroid withdrawal on clinical outcomes in non-sensitized living-donor kidney recipients
Background: The optimal dose of anti-thymocyte globulin (ATG) as an induction regimen in Asian living-donor kidney recipients is unclear.

Methods: This is a pilot study in which 36 consecutive patients undergoing living-donor kidney transplantation were randomly assigned to receive either 4.5 mg/kg (n = 19) or 6.0 mg/kg (n = 17) of ATG; all patients had corticosteroid withdrawal within 7 days. The primary end point was a composite of biopsy-proven acute rejection, de novo donor-specific antibody formation, and graft failure.

Results: At 12 months post-transplant, biopsy-proven acute rejection was more common in the ATG4.5 group (21.1%) than in the ATG6.0 group (0%)(P = .048). Importantly, the rate of the composite end point was significantly higher in the ATG4.5 group (36.8% vs 0%)(P = .006). There were significant differences in neither the renal function nor adverse events between the two groups. One case of death-censored graft failure occurred in the ATG4.5 group and no mortality was observed overall. Compared with pre-transplantation, T cells, natural killer (NK) cells, and natural killer T (NKT) cells were significantly decreased in the first week post-transplantation except for B cells. Although T and NKT cells in both groups and NK cells in the ATG4.5 group had recovered to the pre-transplant levels, NK cells in the ATG6.0 group remained suppressed until six months post-transplant.

Conclusions: Compared with ATG 6.0 mg/kg, ATG 4.5 mg/kg with early corticosteroid withdrawal and low dose maintenance regimen was associated with higher rates of acute rejection in non-sensitized Asian living-donor kidney recipients.
Youngmin KoYu-Mee WeeSung ShinMi Joung KimMonica Young ChoiDong Hyun KimSeong Jun LimJoo Hee JungHyunwook KwonYoung Hoon KimDuck Jong Han
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Medicine and health sciencesSurgical and invasive medical proceduresTransplantationOrgan transplantationRenal transplantationUrinary system proceduresBiology and life sciencesCell biologyCellular typesAnimal cellsBlood cellsWhite blood cellsNK cellsImmune cellsImmunologyResearch and analysis methodsSpectrum analysis techniquesSpectrophotometryCytophotometryFlow cytometryBiochemistryProteinsGlobulinsLymphocytesAntibody-producing cellsB cellsPhysiologyImmune physiologyAntibodiesImmune system proteinsAnatomyRenal systemKidneys
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