Fault Type & Section Detection Method in a Distribution Network with Distributed Generations Based on the Separated Phase ANN-Model
- Alternative Title
- 분산형 전원이 연결된 배전계통에서의 분리된 상별 인공지능 모델을 이용한 고장종류 및 고장구간 판별 방법
- Abstract
- In recent years, the number of distributed generation (DG) in distribution network (DN) has increased. The increasing proportion of DG in DN brings benefits through improved network reliability and reduced transmission power losses. However the connection of DG makes network be more complicated, it changes the unidirectional flow of currents and power to bidirectional flow and thus protection based on over-current relay has limitations of protection coordination. These limitations may occur malfunction or misbehavior of protective devices so it requires new protection methods. This paper proposes a new method using artificial neural network (ANN) can adjust on DN with DG to allocate fault section and to classify fault type as part of solving limitations of protection coordination. This ANN model is separated to each phase and use magnitude and phasor of voltages and currents extracted from each generation sides. The new proposed method is applied to unbalanced distribution network model and verified to be useful in DN through computer simulations.
- Author(s)
- Seok-Jun Kang; Hye-Jeong Lee; Myeong-Chan Choi; Do-Kyun Kim; Seung-Ho Hyun
- Issued Date
- 2023
- Type
- Article
- Keyword
- Distribution Network; Distributed Generation; Fault Allocation; Fault Type Classification; Deep Learning; Artificial Neural Network
- 10.5370/KIEE.2023.72.4.484
- https://oak.ulsan.ac.kr/handle/2021.oak/15875
- Publisher
- 전기학회논문지
- Language
- 한국어
- 1975-8359
- Citation Volume
- 72
- Citation Number
- 4
- Citation Start Page
- 484
- Citation End Page
- 495
Appears in Collections:
- Engineering > Electrical engineering
- 공개 및 라이선스
- 파일 목록
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