겨울철 난방에너지 절감을 위한 이중외피형 태양열 집열시스템 설계 조건별 성능 분석
- Alternative Title
- The Design and Analysis of a Double-skin Solar Heating System to Reduce Heating Energy in Winter
- Abstract
- Double-skin facade (DSF) consists of two or more layers between which air flows. DSF can be used as a passive system by harnessing natural ventilation and preheating effect for heating, cooling, and ventilation. It can also be used with an active system either by simply alternating the passive mode with the existing active systems. Based on the capability of a DSF in providing preheated air by solar heat gains, this paper proposes a DSF-inspired solar heating system (hereinafter, the double-skin solar heating system) for integration into a building’s active system. This system warms up the air inside the DSF cavity and delivers the preheated air into an air-handling unit (AHU). We examined the architectural and material parameters of the system and analyzed the energy performance to quantify the benefit of such a system. For parametric analysis, a case study of a medium-sized office building was set up where the double-skin solar heating system was installed, and the geometry and thermal properties of the system were investigated. The parametric analysis demonstrated that the width of the double-skin solar heating system is the most influencing factor.
- Author(s)
- 방수연; 윤나리; 허연숙
- Issued Date
- 2023
- Type
- Article
- Keyword
- Double-skin facade; 이중외피; Fresh air supply; 신선한 외기 공급; Parametric analysis; 파라메트릭 분석; Solar air heating; 패시브 태양열 난방
- 10.6110/KJACR.2023.35.5.244
- https://oak.ulsan.ac.kr/handle/2021.oak/15906
- Publisher
- 설비공학 논문집
- Language
- 한국어
- 1229-6422
- Citation Volume
- 35
- Citation Number
- 5
- Citation Start Page
- 244
- Citation End Page
- 252
Appears in Collections:
- Engineering > Architectural Engineering
- 공개 및 라이선스
- 파일 목록
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