조선 후기 궁궐의 일본 건축 요소 적용과 확산
- Alternative Title
- Application and Spread of Japanese Architectural Elements in Palaces of the Late Joseon Dynasty
- Abstract
- 부산 왜관 건축을 매개로 17세기 이후 조선 궁궐 건축에 일본 종이 도배, 각서까래 전면 사용, 미닫이 창호 설치가 이루어졌다. 관찰만으로 적용이 가능한 요소가 먼저 적용되었고, 정밀한 기술 습득이 필요한 미닫이 창호가 늦게 설치되었다. 미닫이 창호를 뜻하는 ‘영창’이 급속히 확산하였으며, 종류와 구조도 다양해졌다. 점차 ‘영창’은 기존 여닫이 창호의 문인방에 홈대를 붙여서 설치하는 가설(加設) 창호만을 뜻하게 되었다. 단독으로 설치하여 실내 칸막이 역할을 하는 미닫이 창호는 ‘추장자’로 명칭을 달리하였다. 일본 건축 요소인 영창과 추장자는 한국 전통 건축의 한 요소로 자리 잡았다.
Based on the experience of building ‘Waegwan(倭館)’ in Busan, Japanese paper wallpapering, the use of square rafters, and the installation of sliding windows were used in the construction of Joseon palaces from the 17th century onwards. Elements that could be applied through observation alone were applied first, and sliding windows that required precise skill acquisition were installed later. ‘Yeongchang(影窓)’, which refers to a sliding window that brightens an interior, has spread rapidly, and its types and structures have also become more diverse. Gradually, ‘Yeongchang’ came to refer only to additional windows installed by attaching grooves to the lintel of existing casement windows. The sliding window that is installed independently and acts as an interior partition was renamed ‘Chujangja(推障子)’. Japanese architectural elements such as ‘Yeongchang’ and ‘Chujangja’ have become an element of traditional Korean architecture.
- Author(s)
- 이종서
- Issued Date
- 2023
- Type
- Article
- Keyword
- 일본건축요소; 일본벽지도배; 각서까래; 미닫이창호; 영창; 影窓; 추장자; 推障子; Elements of Japanese architecture; Japanese paper wallpapering; Square rafters; Sliding dow and window; Yeongchang; Chujangja
- 10.7738/JAH.2023.32.6.023
- https://oak.ulsan.ac.kr/handle/2021.oak/16315
- Publisher
- 건축역사연구
- Language
- 한국어
- 1598-1142
- Citation Volume
- 32
- Citation Number
- 6
- Citation Start Page
- 23
- Citation End Page
- 32
Appears in Collections:
- Engineering > Architectural Engineering
- 공개 및 라이선스
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