Evaluation of a New MRI-Based Classification of Graft Status After Superior Capsule Reconstruction

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Background: A classification system for the graft state after superior capsule reconstruction (SCR) using magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) has not been described previously.

Purpose: To introduce a new, MRI-based classification system for graft integrity after SCR and to evaluate the system according to postoperative outcomes.

Study design: Cohort study (diagnosis); Level of evidence, 3.

Method: Included were 62 consecutive patients who underwent SCR using autologous fascia lata graft between January 2013 and April 2021. Postoperative outcomes were assessed (American Shoulder and Elbow Surgeons [ASES] score, Constant score, pain visual analog scale [pVAS], range of motion [ROM], acromiohumeral distance [AHD], Hamada grade). Graft status was classified by 2 orthopaedic surgeons on postoperative MRI in accordance with the signal intensity and the presence or extent of the tear, as follows: type 1 (hypointense signal without tear), type 2 (hyperintense signal without tear), type 3 (partial-thickness tear), type 4 (full-thickness tear with partial continuity), and type 5 (full-thickness tear with complete discontinuity). Intra- and interobserver agreement were assessed using Cohen kappa. The correlation between postoperative outcomes (ASES score, Constant score, pVAS, ROM, AHD, and Hamada grade) and the SCR graft classification system was assessed with the Pearson correlation coefficient, and the outcomes were compared according to classification type.

Results: Patients were classified according to the new system as follows: type 1 (n = 15), type 2 (n = 20), type 3 (n = 7), type 4 (n = 8), and type 5 (n = 12). There was excellent interobserver agreement (κ = 0.819) and intraobserver agreement (κ = 0.937 and 0.919). The classification system showed a moderate to high correlation with the ASES score (r = -0.451; P = .001), pVAS (r = 0.359; P = .005), AHD (r = -0.642; P < .001), and Hamada grade (r = 0.414; P < .001). Patients classified as having types 1 and 2 showed better outcomes in terms of ASES score, pVAS, ROM, and AHD compared with type 5 patients (P ≤ .021 for all).

Conclusion: The new classification system was highly reproducible and showed clinical utility for both radiological and clinical evaluation after SCR.
Jun-Bum LeeErica KholinneJi Woong YeomSang-Pil SoHui BenHood AlsaqriKyoung-Hwan KohIn-Ho Jeon
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MRIauto fascia lataclassification systemclinical outcomegraftsuperior capsule reconstruction
Orthopaedic Journal of Sports Medicine
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Medicine > Nursing
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