Probing Interfacial Charge Transfer between Amyloid-β and Graphene during Amyloid Fibrillization Using Raman Spectroscopy
- Abstract
- Charge transfer plays a key role in the structural transformation of amyloid-β proteins (Aβs), as it fibrillizes from small monomers to intermediate oligomers and to ordered fibrils. While the protein fibrillization states have been identified using cryo-electron microscopy, X-ray diffraction, Raman, infrared, terahertz spectroscopies, etc., there is little known about the electronic states during the fibrilization of Aβ protein. Here, we probe the charge transfer of Aβ42 proteins at different aggregation stages adsorbed on monolayer graphene (Gr) and molybdenum disulfide (MoS2) using Raman spectroscopy. Monomers, oligomers, and fibrils prepared in buffer solutions were deposited and dried separately on Gr and MoS2 where well-established characteristic Raman modes (G, 2D for Gr and E2g, A1g for MoS2) were monitored. The shifts in Raman parameters showed that the small Aβ monomers withdraw electrons, whereas fibrils donate electrons to Gr and MoS2. Oligomers undergo transient charge states near the neutrality point. This is explained in terms of modulated carrier concentration in Gr and MoS2. This finding provides insight into the electronic properties of Aβs that could be essential to identifying the onset of toxic fibril forms and developing a straightforward, label-free diagnosis using Gr and MoS2.
- Author(s)
- Wujoon Cha; Chaejeong Heo; Sanghyub Lee; Seok Joon Yun; Byeong Wook Cho; Taewoo Ha; Young Hee Lee
- Issued Date
- 2023
- Type
- Article
- Keyword
- amyloid-β protein; neurotoxic fibrils; molecular charge transfer; graphene; MoS2; Raman spectroscopy
- 10.1021/acsnano.2c11428
- Publisher
- ACS Nano
- Language
- 영어
- 1936-0851
- Citation Volume
- 17
- Citation Number
- 5
- Citation Start Page
- 4834
- Citation End Page
- 4842
Appears in Collections:
- Natural Science > Physics
- 공개 및 라이선스
- 파일 목록
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