Korean Practice Guidelines for Gastric Cancer 2022: An Evidence-based, Multidisciplinary Approach

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Gastric cancer is one of the most common cancers in Korea and the world. Since 2004, this is the 4th gastric cancer guideline published in Korea which is the revised version of previous evidence-based approach in 2018. Current guideline is a collaborative work of the interdisciplinary working group including experts in the field of gastric surgery, gastroenterology, endoscopy, medical oncology, abdominal radiology, pathology, nuclear medicine, radiation oncology and guideline development methodology. Total of 33 key questions were updated or proposed after a collaborative review by the working group and 40 statements were developed according to the systematic review using the MEDLINE, Embase, Cochrane Library and KoreaMed database. The level of evidence and the grading of recommendations were categorized according to the Grading of Recommendations, Assessment, Development and Evaluation proposition. Evidence level, benefit, harm, and clinical applicability was considered as the significant factors for recommendation. The working group reviewed recommendations and discussed for consensus. In the earlier part, general consideration discusses screening, diagnosis and staging of endoscopy, pathology, radiology, and nuclear medicine. Flowchart is depicted with statements which is supported by meta-analysis and references. Since clinical trial and systematic review was not suitable for postoperative oncologic and nutritional follow-up, working group agreed to conduct a nationwide survey investigating the clinical practice of all tertiary or general hospitals in Korea. The purpose of this survey was to provide baseline information on follow up. Herein we present a multidisciplinary-evidence based gastric cancer guideline.
Tae-Han KimIn-Ho KimSeung Joo KangMiyoung ChoiBaek-Hui KimBang Wool EomBum Jun KimByung-Hoon MinChang In ChoiCheol Min ShinChung Hyun TaeChung Sik GongDong Jin KimArthur Eung-Hyuck ChoEun Jeong GongGeum Jong SongHyeon-Su ImHye Seong AhnHyun LimHyung-Don KimJae-Joon KimJeong Il YuJeong Won LeeJi Yeon ParkJwa Hoon KimKyoung Doo SongMinkyu JungMi Ran JungSang-Yong SonShin-Hoo ParkSoo Jin KimSung Hak LeeTae-Yong KimWoo Kyun BaeWoong Sub KoomYeseob JeeYoo Min KimYoonjin KwakYoung Suk ParkHye Sook HanSu Youn NamSeong-Ho KongDevelopment Working Groups for the Korean Practice Guidelines for Gastric CancerTask Force Team
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ChemotherapyEndoscopyGuidelinesStomach neoplasmsSurgery
Journal of Gastric Cancer
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