Single-Electron Oxidation-Induced Chemical Transformations: Carbon-Carbon Bond Formation and Selective Oxaziridine Rearrangement
- Abstract
- Visible-light photoredox catalysis is an important and growing research area in the field of green and sustainable organic synthesis. One of the main mechanisms involved in photoredox catalysis is single-electron transfer (SET), which has been extensively investigated in our group for the development of greener carbon–carbon bond forming reactions and oxaziridine rearrangement. In this review, we highlight our results on the development and application of neutral silicon radical precursors for the generation of alkyl radicals and the selective rearrangement of oxaziridines into nitrones or amides.
- Author(s)
- Shafrizal Rasyid Atriardi; Sang Kook Woo
- Issued Date
- 2023
- Type
- Article
- Publisher
- Language
- 영어
- 0002-5100
- Citation Volume
- 56
- Citation Number
- 1
- Citation Start Page
- 25
- Citation End Page
- 33
Appears in Collections:
- Natural Science > Chemistry
- 공개 및 라이선스
- 파일 목록
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