Future perspectives on QDs embedded nano-fibrous materials as high capacity sustainable anode for Na-ion batteries technology
- Abstract
- Electrode functionalization (shape-selective materials) has transformed the energy storage and production technology in the modern age of developing Batteries science. Sodium-ion batteries are promising electrochemical energy supply system suitable alternative to Li-ion batteries, particularly for low cost, earth abundance Na ion, high structural stability, and better functioning behavior at cooler temperatures. In Na-ion batteries (NIBs), lowest potential electrode (negative electrode) act as primary charge carrier and thermodynamically susceptible to reduce alkali Na +. However, conventional anode material suffers from volume variation and stability issues. Quantum dots (QDs) size (1–10 nm) supported nanofber (1D) functions as high rate redox-active materials due to synergistic interaction and structural confnement effect. Present perspective shed light on various structural interactions, thermodynamic interactions and interfaces which may lower the energy barrier(activation energy) during electrode electrochemical performance. Quantum dots provide functional sites in nanofber resulting in expansion of Na+ storage and sodiation reaction. Thus, structural and chemical variation unveil future research for high capacity, robust Na+ storage, and better thermodynamic stability of fbrous Na-ion anode materials to upgrade the futuristic electrode technology.
- Author(s)
- Sunil Kumar; R. N. Ra; Darshan Singh; Anees A. Ansari; Youngil Lee; Laxman Singh
- Issued Date
- 2023
- Type
- Article
- Keyword
- quantum dot; barrier layer; quantum materials; morphology; composite; dispersant; absorption; energy storage; fber; intercalation; recycling
- 10.1557/s43581-023-00067-x
- https://oak.ulsan.ac.kr/handle/2021.oak/16775
- Publisher
- MRS Energy and Sustainability
- Language
- 영어
- 2329-2229
- Citation Volume
- 10
- Citation Number
- 2
- Citation Start Page
- 238
- Citation End Page
- 246
Appears in Collections:
- Natural Science > Chemistry
- 공개 및 라이선스
- 파일 목록
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