Effect of speech-stimulus degradation on phoneme-related potential
- Abstract
- Auditory evoked potential (AEP) has been used to evaluate the degree of hearing and speech cognition. Because AEP generates a very small voltage relative to ambient noise, a repetitive presentation of a stimulus, such as a tone, word, or short sentence, should be employed to generate ensemble averages over trials. However, the stimulation of repetitive short words and sentences may present an unnatural situation to a subject. Phoneme-related potentials (PRPs), which are evoked-responses to typical phonemic stimuli, can be extracted from electroencephalography (EEG) data in response to a continuous storybook. In this study, we investigated the effects of spectrally degraded speech stimuli on PRPs. The EEG data in response to the spectrally degraded and natural storybooks were recorded from normal listeners, and the PRP components for 10 vowels and 12 consonants were extracted. The PRP responses to a vocoded (spectrally-degraded) storybook showed a statistically significant lower peak amplitude and were prolonged compared with those of a natural storybook. The findings in this study suggest that PRPs can be considered a potential tool to evaluate hearing and speech cognition as other AEPs. Moreover, PRPs can provide the details of phonological processing and phonemic awareness to understand poor speech intelligibility. Further investigation with the hearing impaired is required prior to clinical application.
- Author(s)
- Min-Jae Jeon; Jihwan Woo
- Issued Date
- 2023
- Type
- Article
- Keyword
- EEG; speech degradation
- 10.1371/journal.pone.0287584
- https://oak.ulsan.ac.kr/handle/2021.oak/17371
- Publisher
- PLoS One
- Language
- 영어
- 1932-6203
- Citation Volume
- 18
- Citation Number
- 6
- Citation Start Page
- 1
- Citation End Page
- 12
Appears in Collections:
- Engineering > Medical Engineering
- 공개 및 라이선스
- 파일 목록
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