The Relationship between the Service Quality of IPTV Home Training and Consumers’ Exercise Satisfaction and Continuous Use during the COVID-19 Pandemic
- Abstract
- This study aims to provide operators with measures for successful IPTV utilisation by identifying the quality of IPTV services for home training and analysing the relationship between consumers’ exercise satisfaction and continuous use to respond to the COVID-19 era. To achieve the research purpose, people who exercise at home using IPTV home training pro-grams were selected as the sample population. The relationship between efficiency, availability, security, and practicability, which are sub-factors of the service quality of IPTV home training, was analysed for exercise satisfaction and continuous use. The analysis methods include frequency analysis and Cronbach’s α using SPSS 20.0 and AMOS 20.0. Validation was conducted through correlation analysis, confirmatory factor analysis, and structural equation model analysis. In addition, Harman’s one-factor verification was conducted to determine the common method bias. All statistically significant levels were set at the p < 0.05 level. The results show that efficiency, availability, security, and practicability have a positive effect on exercise satisfaction, and exercise satisfaction has a positive effect on continuous use. First, during COVID-19, IPTV plays an important role in helping consumers exercise at home and indoors. Second, the subjects of this study showed that individuals 40 years old and older are exercising the most. Therefore, it is assumed that consumers will continue to participate if they provide programs that young people can do. Third, since various human disasters, natural disasters, and other un-predictable phenomena such as COVID-19 are occurring worldwide, policymakers should try to activate programs such as IPTV’s home training that can be done indoors.
- Author(s)
- Taesoo Cho; Taeyoung Cho; Hao Zhang
- Issued Date
- 2023
- Type
- Article
- Keyword
- Continuous Use; Home Training; Structural Equation Model Analysis; Human Disasters; Quality Of Training; Positive Effect; Confirmatory Factor Analysis; Natural Disasters; COVID-19 Pandemic; Sample Population
- 10.3390/businesses3020020
- Publisher
- Business
- Language
- 영어
- 2673-7116
- Citation Volume
- 3
- Citation Number
- 2
- Citation Start Page
- 310
- Citation End Page
- 322
Appears in Collections:
- Natural Science > Sport Science
- 공개 및 라이선스
- 파일 목록
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