Applicability Evaluation of Energy Slabs Installed in an Underground Parking Lot
- Abstract
- A floor slab of buildings can be used as a ground heat exchanger by equipping heat exchange pipes with a horizontal layout, namely energy slabs. The thermal performance of conventional energy slabs is relatively low due to the interference with the ambient air temperature. This fatal drawback can be overcome by installing energy slabs in an underground parking lot, where the influence of ambient air is not significant. This study experimentally investigated the applicability of two types of energy slabs (floor type and wall type), which were constructed on the basement slab in an underground parking lot. In particular, an aerogel-type thermal insulation layer was fabricated in each energy slab to isolate it from the ambient air along with enhancing the structural stability against automobiles. In the thermal performance tests, the constructed energy slabs showed a thermal performance 265% higher than the conventional energy slabs. Moreover, the aerogel-type thermal insulation layer effectively prevented surface condensation. However, the thermal stress of 2350 kPa was induced by the cooling operation in the energy slabs, which means the energy slab should possess sufficient tensile strength to secure the structural integrity of the parking lot basement.
- Author(s)
- Seokjae Lee; Sangwoo Park; Taek Hee Han; Jongmuk Won; Hangseok Choi
- Issued Date
- 2023
- Type
- Article
- Keyword
- energy slab; ground heat exchanger; thermal insulation; thermal performance test; underground parking lot
- 10.3390/su15042973
- 공개 및 라이선스
- 파일 목록
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