Robust Adaptive Control Strategy for a Bidirectional DC-DC Converter Based on Extremum Seeking and Sliding Mode Control
- Abstract
- This paper presents a new control strategy that combines classical control and an optimization scheme to regulate the output voltage of the bidirectional converter under the presence of matched and mismatched disturbances. In detail, a control-oriented modeling method is presented first to capture the system dynamics in a common canonical form, allowing different disturbances to be considered. To estimate and compensate for unknown disturbances, an extended state observer (ESO)-based continuous sliding mode control is then proposed, which can guarantee high tracking precision, fast disturbance rejection, and chattering reduction. Next, an extremum seeking (ES)-based adaptive scheme is introduced to ensure system robustness as well as optimal control effort under different working scenarios. Finally, comparative simulations with classical proportional-integral-derivative (PID) control and constant switching gains are conducted to verify the effectiveness of the proposed adaptive control methodology through three case studies of load resistance variations, buck/boost mode switching, and input voltage variation.
- Author(s)
- Hoai-An Trinh; Duc Giap Nguyen; Van-Du Phan; Tan-Quoc Duong; Hoai-Vu-Anh Truong; Sung-Jin Choi; Kyoung Kwan Ahn
- Issued Date
- 2023
- Type
- Article
- Keyword
- bidirectional DC-DC converter; voltage regulation; continuous sliding mode control; extended state observer; extremum seeking
- 10.3390/s23010457
- Publisher
- Language
- 영어
- 1424-8220
- Citation Volume
- 23
- Citation Number
- 1
- Citation Start Page
- 1
- Citation End Page
- 24
Appears in Collections:
- Engineering > Electrical engineering
- 공개 및 라이선스
- 파일 목록
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