産業體의 人材育成에 關한 考案
- Alternative Title
- A Study on the Program of personel Training in the Industry
- Abstract
- 그로블化 時代의 經營은 語學이나 國際經營의 知識 뿐만 아니라 外國의 環境에서도 經營을 擔當하고 外國人과의 交涉·外國人 社員의 指揮 文化가 다른 經營의 問題 等 폭넓은 人才敎育이 必要하고 企業活動이 世界化·情報化로 進行되는 가운데 職場에서 휴메니티가 發揮되는 人格形成의 場으로 確固한 職業觀을 涵養토록 資質을 向上시켜 나가야 한다.
The management in the globalization era should comprehensively train is personel that they can possess not language ability and knowledge of international management but also the capability to manage in the foreign countries, to negotiate with foreign people, to lead the foreign employees, and to understand the cultural difference in the management etc. And also the management should enhance the ability of its personel that can have the job view that even in the course of globalzation and information society they are working in the workplace where humbanity is highly manefasted and their personlity is well shaped.
The management in the globalization era should comprehensively train is personel that they can possess not language ability and knowledge of international management but also the capability to manage in the foreign countries, to negotiate with foreign people, to lead the foreign employees, and to understand the cultural difference in the management etc. And also the management should enhance the ability of its personel that can have the job view that even in the course of globalzation and information society they are working in the workplace where humbanity is highly manefasted and their personlity is well shaped.
- Author(s)
- 林義澤
- Issued Date
- 1995
- Type
- Research Laboratory
- https://oak.ulsan.ac.kr/handle/2021.oak/3618
- 공개 및 라이선스
- 파일 목록
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