복수 협력 여유 관절 로보트 매니퓰레이터 시스템의 관절럭 최적화

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Joint Torque Optimization of Multiple Cooperating Redundant Manipulators
본 논문에서는, 복수의 여유 관절 매니퓨?뮌謙孤湧? 협력하여 하나의 공통 물체를 정해진 경로에 따라 움직이고자 할 때, 이 시스템 내부에 존재하는 여유도(redundancy)를 이용한 관절력 최적화 문제가 고려된다. 관절력 최적화 문제에서 흔히 발생하는 관절력의 불안정성을 해결하기 위하여 널 스페이스 댐핑 방법이 제안, 적용된다. 고려된 방법의 효율성은 3개의 복수 협력 로보트의 시뮬레이션을 통하여 입증된다.
In this article, joint torque optimization is considered for multiple cooperating redundant manipulators rigidly handling a common object. This work focuses on finding the optimal distribution of the operational forces of a multiple redundant manipulator system to the individual mainipulators. Two joint torque optimization schemes(local joint torque minimization and natural joint motion) are formulated and compared. From the simulation results of a system of three cooperating redundant manipulators, the natural joint motion scheme is shown to be better than the local joint torque minimization scheme with regard to global torque minimization capability and the resulting stability of motion. However, in order to guarantee the stability, the null space damping method is required for the both schemes. The effectiveness of the null space damping method is demonstrated by simulation. Additionally, the condition for the distribution of the operational forces required to drive the given system along a natural joint motion trajectory is addressed.
In this article, joint torque optimization is considered for multiple cooperating redundant manipulators rigidly handling a common object. This work focuses on finding the optimal distribution of the operational forces of a multiple redundant manipulator system to the individual mainipulators. Two joint torque optimization schemes(local joint torque minimization and natural joint motion) are formulated and compared. From the simulation results of a system of three cooperating redundant manipulators, the natural joint motion scheme is shown to be better than the local joint torque minimization scheme with regard to global torque minimization capability and the resulting stability of motion. However, in order to guarantee the stability, the null space damping method is required for the both schemes. The effectiveness of the null space damping method is demonstrated by simulation. Additionally, the condition for the distribution of the operational forces required to drive the given system along a natural joint motion trajectory is addressed.
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Research Laboratory
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울산대학교 저작물은 저작권에 의해 보호받습니다.
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Research Laboratory > Engineering Research
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  • 공개 구분공개
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