하천계획관리시스템을 이용한 하천정비방법에 관한 연구

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A study on the Creek Arrangement Method using the Creek Management Plan System
본 연구는 20세기를 기점으로 시작된 치수, 이수 개념의 하천정비기법에서 20세기 이후 경제성장에 따른 생활의 질적 향상과 더불어 추진되어 온 하천의 수질보전 및 하천환경을 중요시하는 환경친화적 하천계획과 효과적인 하천보전 및 관리기법개발에 역점을 두었다.

이를 위해, 하천개수계획, 실시설계 및 관리 등에 필요한 보든 자료를 도면 및 대장 등의 서류로 관리하고 있는 현재의 하천관리방법을 개선하기 위해 공간상 위치를 점유하는 지리 공간요소 (Geographical and spatial element)와 이에 관련된 속성정보(Attribute information)의 통합처리가 가능한 지리정보시스템 (Geographic Information System)을 이용한 하천계획관리시스템을 연구하였다.

구축된 하천관리시스템을 울산광역시 관내하천에 적용하여 자연형 하천정비계획방법과 홍수관리 등 기존의 치.이수대책의 개선방법에 대한 가능성을 검토하였다. 그 결과, 하천관리시스템을 실무에 반영하여 계획과 정보에 대한 관리를 함으로써 기능성과 효율성을 극대화할 수 있을 것으로 판단되었다.
This research is focused on the environmental protection plan, efficient conservation of creeks and the development of managerial techniques, which are emphasizing preservation of water quality and creeks' surroundings driven with a improved living standards from rapid economic growth since 20th century. In order to achieve, concerned on what we call "systematic creek management" based on geographic information system, collaborating with geographical and spatial element and its relevant attribute information. Thus, above mentioned methods are to improve the current creek management plan which manages all kinds of necessary information such as improving, enforcing and managing water merely on drawing, paper work file. this study investigated it would be feasible to improve natural friendly creek maintenance plan and flood control which adapted creek management system built to the creeks in ulsan metropolitan. In result of that, it would be very possible to maximize its efficiency by applying creek managing system and practicing on the work as well as controlling information and plans.
This research is focused on the environmental protection plan, efficient conservation of creeks and the development of managerial techniques, which are emphasizing preservation of water quality and creeks' surroundings driven with a improved living standards from rapid economic growth since 20th century. In order to achieve, concerned on what we call "systematic creek management" based on geographic information system, collaborating with geographical and spatial element and its relevant attribute information. Thus, above mentioned methods are to improve the current creek management plan which manages all kinds of necessary information such as improving, enforcing and managing water merely on drawing, paper work file. this study investigated it would be feasible to improve natural friendly creek maintenance plan and flood control which adapted creek management system built to the creeks in ulsan metropolitan. In result of that, it would be very possible to maximize its efficiency by applying creek managing system and practicing on the work as well as controlling information and plans.
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Research Laboratory
Alternative Author(s)
Lee, Kun-BaeCho, Hong-Jae
울산대학교 저작물은 저작권에 의해 보호받습니다.
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Research Laboratory > Engineering Research
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  • 공개 구분공개
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