노사협의회법의 개정 방향
- Alternative Title
- A Study on the Amendment of Labour-Management Council Act
- Abstract
- 세계화, 정보화의 흐름 속에 현행 노사협의제도를 노사간 정보공유와 성실대화의 장으로기능토록 하여야 국경없는 경제의 시대에 대처할 수 있다고 한다. 그런데 일각에서는 근로자참가라는 시각은 접어둔 채 노사협조만을 강요하는 주장을 펴기도 한다. 그러나 세계의 흐름은 근로자들의 자발적인 참가를 북돋아 사기를 앙양하고 생산성을 향상시키는 가운데 고도의 경쟁력을 갖은 작업장을 만들 수 있다는 겅으로 정리도고 있는 듯하다. 그리고그 핵심역할은 역시 노동조합이 맡아야 한다는 것이다.
이러한 세계의 움직임에 발맞추어 우리나라 노사협의제도도 개선되어야 한다고 생각하는데, 현행 노사협의회법은 다음과 같이 개정되는 게 바람직하다.
1. 우선 목적규정의 정비가 필요한데 '근로자참가'라는 입법목적을 분명히 밝혀야 한다. 제3자개입금지규정을 폐지하고, 중앙노사협의회는 노사협의회법에서 삭제한다.
2. 노사협의회의 설치범위는 종업원수 10인 이상의 모든 사업장으로 확대하되 근로자 다수를 대표하는 노조가 조직되어 있는 곳에는 노사협의회의 설치를 강제할 필요가 없다.
3. 노사협의회 위원수는 근로자수에 비례하여 정하도록 하고 조직사업장의 노조가 소수노조일 때는 다수 근로자의 의견이 조사협의회에 반영되도록 근로자위원을 배정하여야 한다. 위원의 임기는 3년 이내에서 협의회규정으로 정하도록 하고, 의안은 참석자 전원이 합의할 때 의결된 것으로 한다.
4. 노사협의회의 부의사항, 특히 협의사항의 범위를 확대하여야 하는 바, 적어도 근로조건에 관한 사항, 취업규칙의 제정과 개정에 관한 사항, 정리해고와 생산에 관한 사항은 협의를 거치도록 한다. 노사간에 의견이 첨예하게 대립할 때에는 '노사분쟁조정국'의 조정을 받을 수 있다.
5. 고충처리제도의 내실화를 위해 종업원수 10인 이상인 사업장에 고충처리위원을 두도록 하고 ?㎰遍測? 근로자수에 비례토록 한다.
We are in the era characterized by worldwide globalisation and massive flows of information. In that context, some argue that for the labour-management consultation system to cope withthe borderless competition, it should ensure faithful communication and information sharing between the labour and the management. But others, ignoring the importance of the workers' participation in management, insist only on the labour-management cooperation. Still others seem to be believing that only voluntary participation of the workersin decision-making increases their morale, boosters productivity, and ultimately makes the "high performance workplace". And they point to the trade unionas the core of the solution.
Along with this trend, it seems necessary to improve the labour-management consultation system currently practiced in Korea. I propose that the Labour-Management Council Act should be amended as follows:
1. The "Purpose of the Act" in Article 1 should highlight the "workers's participation in decision-making". The regulation which prohibits an intervention by a third party and the therm "Gentral Labour-Management Council" are recommended to be deleted.
2. The labour-management consultation system should be extended to those small workplaces with 10 or more workers. However it is not necessary for the workplaces which already has a majority trade union to develop this system.
3. The size of the council should be proportionate to the number of the workers. In the case where there is no majority trade union, the composition of the council should be appropriate in proportion to the union members and non-union members. The term of the council members, which should be within 3 years, should be fixed in the by-laws of the council. And the agenda shall be passed only when all the members reach a consensus.
4. The subject matters, especially the consultation subjects should be extended. So at least the follows should be added: subjects concerning working conditions, subjects concerning preparation and amendment of works rules, subjects concerning redundancy and production. If disputes between the labour and management have occured, those may be adjusted by the "labour disputes adjustment bureau".
5. A grievances committee, the size of which is proportionate to the number of the workers, is recommended in a workplace with 10 or more workers.
We are in the era characterized by worldwide globalisation and massive flows of information. In that context, some argue that for the labour-management consultation system to cope withthe borderless competition, it should ensure faithful communication and information sharing between the labour and the management. But others, ignoring the importance of the workers' participation in management, insist only on the labour-management cooperation. Still others seem to be believing that only voluntary participation of the workersin decision-making increases their morale, boosters productivity, and ultimately makes the "high performance workplace". And they point to the trade unionas the core of the solution.
Along with this trend, it seems necessary to improve the labour-management consultation system currently practiced in Korea. I propose that the Labour-Management Council Act should be amended as follows:
1. The "Purpose of the Act" in Article 1 should highlight the "workers's participation in decision-making". The regulation which prohibits an intervention by a third party and the therm "Gentral Labour-Management Council" are recommended to be deleted.
2. The labour-management consultation system should be extended to those small workplaces with 10 or more workers. However it is not necessary for the workplaces which already has a majority trade union to develop this system.
3. The size of the council should be proportionate to the number of the workers. In the case where there is no majority trade union, the composition of the council should be appropriate in proportion to the union members and non-union members. The term of the council members, which should be within 3 years, should be fixed in the by-laws of the council. And the agenda shall be passed only when all the members reach a consensus.
4. The subject matters, especially the consultation subjects should be extended. So at least the follows should be added: subjects concerning working conditions, subjects concerning preparation and amendment of works rules, subjects concerning redundancy and production. If disputes between the labour and management have occured, those may be adjusted by the "labour disputes adjustment bureau".
5. A grievances committee, the size of which is proportionate to the number of the workers, is recommended in a workplace with 10 or more workers.
- Author(s)
- 오문완
- Issued Date
- 1996
- Type
- Research Laboratory
- https://oak.ulsan.ac.kr/handle/2021.oak/4218
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