大企業에 의한 對 中小企業 技術移轉에 관한 硏究
- Alternative Title
- A Study on the Technology Transfer from Prime Contractors to Subcontractors
- Abstract
- 우리나라 中小企業의 技術力 向上을 위한 方案의 하나로 大企業이 보유하는 기술을 中小企業에로 이전하는 방법을 고려하였다. 그 중 특히 下請去來關係에 있는 母企業과 受給企業 간에 이루어지는 母企業에 의한 하청기업에의 技術指導에 촛점을 맞추어 母企業의 技術指導에 대한 理論的 糾明과. 母企業의 技術指導에 대한 事例分析을 하였다.
母企業 技術指導에 대한 理論的 糾明에서는 母企業 技術指導의 필요성을 하청기업을 포함한 전체 생산시스템의 競爭力 追求에서 찾았으며 母企業 技術指導에 대한 사례분석에서 우리나라 母企業 技術指導의 특성을 정리해 보았다.
The idea of transferring technology from prime contractors to subcontractors was analyzed as a way to enhance the technological level of small and medium sized companies. Here I suggested the theoretical foundation of the need of Prime contractors' technical assistance to subcontractors. In addition. 1 showed that Prime contractors' technical assistance has the characteristics as inter-company transfer of technology and collaboration between firms.
Through the case analysis of the technical assistance of A company, one of the largest automobile manufacturing companies in Korea. I found several features of contractor's technical assistance in a representative Korean firm.
The idea of transferring technology from prime contractors to subcontractors was analyzed as a way to enhance the technological level of small and medium sized companies. Here I suggested the theoretical foundation of the need of Prime contractors' technical assistance to subcontractors. In addition. 1 showed that Prime contractors' technical assistance has the characteristics as inter-company transfer of technology and collaboration between firms.
Through the case analysis of the technical assistance of A company, one of the largest automobile manufacturing companies in Korea. I found several features of contractor's technical assistance in a representative Korean firm.
- Author(s)
- 姜鍾烈
- Issued Date
- 1992
- Type
- Research Laboratory
- https://oak.ulsan.ac.kr/handle/2021.oak/4221
- 공개 및 라이선스
- 파일 목록
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