동북아 식량안보의 현황과 전망
- Alternative Title
- Food Security in North-East Asia
- Abstract
- 본 논문은 식량문제가 미래 인류안보와 국제안보의 주요 위협요소가 될 것이라는 전제하에, 동북아 식량안보가 현재 어떠한 상황에 있으며, 그것이 구체적으로 동북아 안보 상황에 어떤 현재적, 잠재적 위협요인을 안고 있는지를 분석하였다. 먼저 세계 식량안보의 현재와 미래라는 배경하에서 동북아 식량안보 문제를 주로 식량자급의 현황과 전망이라는 관점에서 분석하였다. 다음으로 식량문제가 안보적 문제를 야기하는 구체적 사례로서 북학의 식량문제를 분석하였다. 결론으로 동북아 식량안보 문제의 심각성을 지적하고, 식량안보적 위기상황의 예방을 위해 동북아 각국 그리고 지역 차원의 협력이 모색되어야 함을 주장하였다.
Food scarcity is - and will be - a serious threat to human and international security. This article analyses the present and the future of food security in North-East Asia, in particular its present and potential threat to regional security. Considering the present trend of world food situation, North-East Asian countries' high dependence on outer world for food is likely to have devastating effect on regional as well as national stability, as has been exemplified in the case of North Korea. It is argued that national and regional measures to enhance food security in North-East Asis is urgently needed.
Food scarcity is - and will be - a serious threat to human and international security. This article analyses the present and the future of food security in North-East Asia, in particular its present and potential threat to regional security. Considering the present trend of world food situation, North-East Asian countries' high dependence on outer world for food is likely to have devastating effect on regional as well as national stability, as has been exemplified in the case of North Korea. It is argued that national and regional measures to enhance food security in North-East Asis is urgently needed.
- Author(s)
- 유종선
- Issued Date
- 1999
- Type
- Research Laboratory
- https://oak.ulsan.ac.kr/handle/2021.oak/4222
- 공개 및 라이선스
- 파일 목록
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