동북아 환경협력체제의 구축 전략과 한국의 대응

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Regional Strategy for Environmental Cooperation in Northeast Asia and Korea
Over the last two or three decades, Northeast Asia has outrun the rest of the world in its rate of economic growth. Northeast Asian countries have made significant advances in alleviating poverty and improving living standards. It is, surely, a significant achievement. But their emphasis on economic growth without equal attention to the environment has resulted in widespread environmental damage. As a result, there are serious environmental problems in the region. And there are radical differences in national institutional, economic and technological capabilities with which to respond to national and international regional imperatives. The purpose of the study is, therefore, to survey proper strategies for environmental cooperation that can serve important common interests of the region's each country. Intensification of multilateral cooperation, vitalization of cooperation with non-state actors, establishment of legal and institutional infrastructure, and etc will be surveyed as strategies for regional environmental cooperation.
Over the last two or three decades, Northeast Asia has outrun the rest of the world in its rate of economic growth. Northeast Asian countries have made significant advances in alleviating poverty and improving living standards. It is, surely, a significant achievement. But their emphasis on economic growth without equal attention to the environment has resulted in widespread environmental damage. As a result, there are serious environmental problems in the region. And there are radical differences in national institutional, economic and technological capabilities with which to respond to national and international regional imperatives. The purpose of the study is, therefore, to survey proper strategies for environmental cooperation that can serve important common interests of the region's each country. Intensification of multilateral cooperation, vitalization of cooperation with non-state actors, establishment of legal and institutional infrastructure, and etc will be surveyed as strategies for regional environmental cooperation.
Issued Date
Research Laboratory
Alternative Author(s)
Shin, Yeon-Jae
울산대학교 저작물은 저작권에 의해 보호받습니다.
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Research Laboratory > Journal of social science
공개 및 라이선스
  • 공개 구분공개
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