分權化에 따른 政府間關係의 變化測定과 廣域行政을 위한 財源充當硏究

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Change of Inter-Governmental Relationships and the Financial Sources for Municipal Administration
본 연구에서는 지방분권화이후의 정부간 관계의 변화상과 분권화이후 중앙과 지방 그리고 지방정부간 광역 행정서비스 공급을 위한 바람직한 정부간 협력 형태, 정부간 갈등없이 효율적으로 광역 행정서비스를 공급하기 위한 재원 충당방식, 광역행정서비스공급을 둘러싼 정부간 갈등이 일어 날 분야와 갈등형태 그리고 광역 행정서비스를 공급할 필요 있는 서비스 분야의 중, 장기적 수요 예측을 규명해 내고자 하는데 촛점을 맞추어 접근을 하였다. 문헌 분석과 심층면접 분석방법을 통해 도출된 연구결과 들과 이에 근거하여 제시한 정책 방향을 집약하여 정리하면 다음과 같다. 첫째, 분권화이후의 정부간 관계의 변화상을 살펴보면 단기적으로는 중앙과 지방정부는 수직 및 갈등적 관계 그리고 지방정부간은 갈등적 관계를 유지할 것이며 중기단계로 넘어가면 이에 대한 갈등이 약화되고 또 그 성격도 변화하면서 분권화에 부합되는 법적, 제도적 개혁작업이 추진되어 실질적 분권화방향으로 진전되어 나가고 장기단계에서는 협동적, 수평적, 협조적 기능관계로 정부간 관계가 정착되어 정부간의 역할 및 기능배분이 정착된 안정화된 지방화의 시대를 개회시킬 것으로 분석결과는 내다보고 있다. 이러한 변화상은 바람직한 진화적 ?像? 양태로 지방화를 점진적으로 이루어 나가는데 있어 커다란 의미를 지닌다고 볼 수 있다. 그러나, 변화의 과도기적 상황에서 돌출될 수 있는 지방화에 역행될 중앙정부의 재통합시도 또는 정책적 대안을 지금부터라도 준비하여야 할 것이다. 둘째, 광역 행정서비스공급을 둘러싼 정부간 갈등이 가장 빈발하게 나타날 분야는 상, 하수도, 쓰레기처리, 폐수처리서비스와 같은 환경분야로 나타났다. 그리고, 정부간 갈등 양태는 지방 정부간 관할을 벗어나 외부불경제가 발생되는 양태, 도시와 농촌 지방정부간의 갈등양태, 환경보존에 드는 비용분담문제, negative effect를 가져오는 서비스의 경우 위치 선정과 관련된 갈등양태 등이 있고 구체적인 갈등양태로는 demonstration, 수송차량통제, 진입도로의 폐쇄, 법률적 소송 등이다. 이에 다른 정책적 대안이 강구되어져야 할 것이다. 셋째, 분권화 이후 지방정부간 광역 행정서비스공급을 위한 바람직한 정부간 협력형태는 정부간 계약, 행정협의회, 조합 또는 공사 등과 같은 독립적 법인체와 같은 다양한 형태의 협력제도들이 각 행정서비스의 특성에 따라 선택적으로 사용되어야 하며 자치 단체장, 의회의원협의회 구성에 대한 전향적 조치나 분쟁조정위원회의 내실화와 역할증대 등을 통한 노력이 이루어져야 할 것이다. 넷째, 광역 행정서비스를 공급할 필요 있는 서비스분야의 중, 장기적 수요예측을 해보면 쓰레기처리와 상, 하수도 서비스수요가 가장 앞서고 있다. 그리고, 우편, 철도, 전기,가스,경찰,소방,교도,사회교육,공중위생 등의 서비스민영화 또는 타지방정부와의 계약에 의한 서비스 증대도 예상되고 있다. 다섯째, 광역 행정 서비스 공급을 위한 재원 충당방식으로 가장 좋은 방안은 수익자부담원칙과 원인자부담원칙의 적용이다. 그 다음이 제 3섹터, 주식회사설립 등에 의해 각각의 지분을 나누어 지방정부간, 기업간 공동운영하는 방식적용이다. 그리고 국가교부방식과 보조방식(세금에 의존하는 방식), 지방 정부간의 채권발행에 의한 재원 충당방식 등이다. 정책 당국도 이러한 맥락에서 효율적인 광역 행정서비스공급을 위한 재원충당방안을 고려해 보아야 할 것이다. 이러한 여러 문제점의 발견과 그에 따른 정책적 관심은 향후 자치시대의 본격적 진입을 앞두고 국가적으로 사회적 비용을 최소화하며 자치의 이상을 실질적으로 구현하는데 긍정적으로 기여할 것이다.
Since its launching in February, 1973, the government of President Kim Youngsam, the nation's first civilian president in more than thirty years, has been pushing hard for reforms in politics and administration. A main focus of the reform is to put an end to an authoritarian government and transform it to a rather democratic and service-oriented one.

Driven alongside this line are plans to restore local autonomy that had been suspended by the military governments of the 1960s through the early 1990s. Thus far, provincial and local governments were considered and functioned simply as branches of central government : provinces and counties (or cities) were not allowed to have bodies of representatives until a few years ago ; and governors and mayors have been appointed by the central government. This practice will end as governors and mayors will be elected by popular votes scheduled fur June, 1995.

Amid nationwide preparation for local elections, much criticism has arisen over, administration, Inter-governmental relationships and the financial souses for municipal administration. Currently Korea has three levels in government (administration) hierarchy : provincial, and city or county governments with representatives, and townships or districts as administrative units. And When a city is large enough to be divided into two or more boroughs, the hierarchy is made up of four levels . provincial, city, and borough governments, and townships or districts. Critics of such multi-level government structure claim that this system does not best serve the interest of the people due to, e. g., overlapping functions, reluctance and delays in communication and information sharing among different levels of governments, and overlapping needs and inefficient use of financial and human resources. And they argue that the multi-level government structure, though might be appropriate in the old days well, is no longer necessary, and thus, government hierarchy should be simplified, Such a view seems to gain more and more popularity.

The overall purpose of this study is to examine the inter-governmental relationships, local administrative services for the regional administration, and the financial sources for municipal administration. In it, each governmental systems (central government and local government) are analyze for division of functions by different levels of governments, organization structures, manpower and financial resource needs and their distributions, and systems for inter-governmental cooperation

Besides literature and document surveys for theoretical references framework building, indepth-interviews is made intensively for the collection of statistical empirical data.

The suggestions and findings derived in this paper are as follows.

First, the inter-governmental relationships maintaining the vertical hierarchy and conflicts among them are expected to continue at the first stage. Their relations will turn into cooperative manner as they realize the necessity of it in the long run. In the process of localization, we also have to remove the chance of the government's intention returning to the original system when unexpected event while implementing the new policy will have adverse effects un localization.

Second, the main conflicts among inter-governmentals will be concentrated on environmental areas such as sewage, waste disposals, water pollution removal. Then the conflicts develop up to mass demonstration and they could put a barrier on the street to prevent its construction. In addition, resurgence of the law sues for this is expected.

Third, to maintain a desirable inter-governmental cooperation, they make an effort to establish the council of governments, inter-governmental contracts, formal or Informal agreement, metropolitan authorities, multipurpose special districts, annexation, and consolidation.

Fourth, the regional service for waste disposals and sewage will be increased drastically. And the demand for privatization of public service such as postal and telephone services, electricity and gas supplying services, fire services , and police services ect. will be anticipated.

Fifth, for securing financial funds, the regional government should establish corporations, communities which could share its rights with private agents based on the principals of use-charge.
Since its launching in February, 1973, the government of President Kim Youngsam, the nation's first civilian president in more than thirty years, has been pushing hard for reforms in politics and administration. A main focus of the reform is to put an end to an authoritarian government and transform it to a rather democratic and service-oriented one.

Driven alongside this line are plans to restore local autonomy that had been suspended by the military governments of the 1960s through the early 1990s. Thus far, provincial and local governments were considered and functioned simply as branches of central government : provinces and counties (or cities) were not allowed to have bodies of representatives until a few years ago ; and governors and mayors have been appointed by the central government. This practice will end as governors and mayors will be elected by popular votes scheduled fur June, 1995.

Amid nationwide preparation for local elections, much criticism has arisen over, administration, Inter-governmental relationships and the financial souses for municipal administration. Currently Korea has three levels in government (administration) hierarchy : provincial, and city or county governments with representatives, and townships or districts as administrative units. And When a city is large enough to be divided into two or more boroughs, the hierarchy is made up of four levels . provincial, city, and borough governments, and townships or districts. Critics of such multi-level government structure claim that this system does not best serve the interest of the people due to, e. g., overlapping functions, reluctance and delays in communication and information sharing among different levels of governments, and overlapping needs and inefficient use of financial and human resources. And they argue that the multi-level government structure, though might be appropriate in the old days well, is no longer necessary, and thus, government hierarchy should be simplified, Such a view seems to gain more and more popularity.

The overall purpose of this study is to examine the inter-governmental relationships, local administrative services for the regional administration, and the financial sources for municipal administration. In it, each governmental systems (central government and local government) are analyze for division of functions by different levels of governments, organization structures, manpower and financial resource needs and their distributions, and systems for inter-governmental cooperation

Besides literature and document surveys for theoretical references framework building, indepth-interviews is made intensively for the collection of statistical empirical data.

The suggestions and findings derived in this paper are as follows.

First, the inter-governmental relationships maintaining the vertical hierarchy and conflicts among them are expected to continue at the first stage. Their relations will turn into cooperative manner as they realize the necessity of it in the long run. In the process of localization, we also have to remove the chance of the government's intention returning to the original system when unexpected event while implementing the new policy will have adverse effects un localization.

Second, the main conflicts among inter-governmentals will be concentrated on environmental areas such as sewage, waste disposals, water pollution removal. Then the conflicts develop up to mass demonstration and they could put a barrier on the street to prevent its construction. In addition, resurgence of the law sues for this is expected.

Third, to maintain a desirable inter-governmental cooperation, they make an effort to establish the council of governments, inter-governmental contracts, formal or Informal agreement, metropolitan authorities, multipurpose special districts, annexation, and consolidation.

Fourth, the regional service for waste disposals and sewage will be increased drastically. And the demand for privatization of public service such as postal and telephone services, electricity and gas supplying services, fire services , and police services ect. will be anticipated.

Fifth, for securing financial funds, the regional government should establish corporations, communities which could share its rights with private agents based on the principals of use-charge.
Issued Date
Research Laboratory
Alternative Author(s)
Lee, Byung-Chul
울산대학교 저작물은 저작권에 의해 보호받습니다.
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