울산·부산·경남 광역경제권 형성과 울산-부산간 경량전철 도입의 필요성

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The Necessity to Build Ulsan, Busan, KyongNam Great- Sphere Economic Zone and Construct the LRT(Light Rail Transit) between Ulsan-Busan.
본 연구에서는 산업구조적인 측면에서 서울·수도권의 대칭되는 개념으로 부산을 축으로 하는 울산·부산·경남 광역경제권 형성을 모색하고, 또 이를 원활히 추진하기 위한 울산-부산간 도시 경량전철 구축의 필요성에 대해 분석·검토하였다.

울산, 부산, 경남은 산업구조적인 측면에서 상호 보완적 관계를 구축해 나가는 것이 울산· 부산 경남 광역경제권 발전에 큰 도움이 되며, 아울러 울산 부산·경남 광역경제권 형성을 보다 원활히 추진하기 위해서는 첨단산업과 함께 금융 및 보험업, 사업서비스업의 육성·발전이 매우 시급하다. 현재 부산과 울산간에는 인적·물적 ?낮? 네트워크가 제대로 갖추어지지 못하고 있다. 따라서 울산과 부산간에 광역전철망을 구축하여 광역권내 생산기능과 서비스산업간의 연계관계를 구축함으로써 상호발전이 가능하도록 해야 한다.

이를 위해서는 전략산업 선정과 지원정책도 광역경제적인 차원에서 이루어져야 한다. 행정구역별로 전략산업을 선정하기보다는 광역권적인 차원에서 전략산업을 선정하고 광역경제권내의 지역별로 혁신자원을 분담하고 연계체계를 구축해 나가는 것이다. 이 경우 행정 구역별로 교육, 연구개발, 환경, 주택 등 지식기반 산업 육성에 필요한 사회기반에 각각 투자하는 중복투자의 문제가 사라지고 지역간 소모적인 경쟁도 배제할 수 있는 이점이 있다.

향후 울산·부산 경남 광역경제권이 효과적으로 추진되기 위해서는 먼저 이에 대한 심도있는 이론적·실증적 연구가 수반되어야 한다. 즉 광역경제권의 경제적 편익이 참여지역 모두에게 더 높은 이익을 가져다 주는 윈- 윈 게임이라는 점에 대한 객관적 연구를 통하여 정책담당자들의 인식전환이 이루어질 필요가 있다.

울산·부산·경남 광역경제권 형성을 위한 울산-부산간 경량전철을 성공적으로 도입하기 위해서는 무엇보다도 선행되어야 하는 것은 첫째, 공공서비스로서의 타당성과 효율성이 제고되어야 하며 지역경제여건을 고려하여 면밀한 경제분석이 이루어져야 한다. 둘째, 지방자치단체의 자율적 도시철도 투자재원 확보 노력이 필요하다. 셋째, 도시철도에 대한 국고지원 방식의 개선이 이루어져야 한다. 넷째, 일본의 경우에서 보듯이 민자유치를 통한 경량 전철 건설사업의 활성화가 필요하다. 다섯째, 도시철도망 확충을 위한 건설주체의 정비가 필요하다. 여섯째, 도시철도와 버스를 통합하는 대중교통정책이 적극 추진되어야 한다
Seeking for building Ulsan, Busan, KyongNam Great- Sphere Economic Zone that stems Busan as a symmetrical idea of Seoul's, capital area in aspect of industrial structure, is evaluated in this study. Also, the construction of the city LRT between Ulsan- Busan is necessary for the smooth commencement of the project.

Ulsan, Busan, and KyongNam, should mutually build a complementary relationship in view of industrial structure, which will greatly facilitate the development of Ulsan, Busan, KyongNam Great- Sphere Economic Zone. In addition, the formation to pursue Ulsan, Busan, KyongNam Great- Sphere Economic Zone will increase and develop the finance, insurance, and service business along the with high technology industry.

Presently, human and material resource interchange network between Busan and Ulsan is not well organized. So, mutual development must be made possible by building a mutual relation between the production function and service industry within the Great-Sphere Zone by constructing a integrated rail transit network between Ulsan and Busan.

The selection of strategic industries and support plans must be implemented within the view of the Great-Sphere Economic support. Strategic industries in view of Great-Sphere Selection should be the basis of selection instead of administrative areas. Additionally, reform resource should be distributed by region within the Great-Sphere Economic Zone as well as building a connection system.

In this case, duplicate investments should be allocated in social base necessities to enhance the knowledge base industries such as education, research and development, environment, housing, and others by each administration. Eventally, it will lead to the prevention of exhaustive competition.

First of all, profound theoretical and positive studies must be performed to effectively pursuit Ulsan, Busan, and KyongNam Great- Sphere Economic Zone. Furthermore, the Perception of the person in charge of the plan must change to an objective study on the point of a 'win- win game' that economic advantage brings higher gains to everyone in the participating area.

The following must be proceeded to successfully bring Ulsan- Busan Light Rail Transit to promote Ulsan, Busan, and KyongNam Great-Sphere Economic Zone. First, adequacy and efficiency of public services must be considered and detailed economic analysis must be performed with consideration of the local economic conditions. Second, effort to secure autonomic city rail investment resource of local self-governing body is necessary. Third, the governing support method of city rail must be improved. Fourth, as seen in the case of Japan, Light Rail Transit construction project through private fund needs to be activated.

Fifth, it is necessary to maintain a main construction body to expand the city rail network. Sixth, public transportation policy to combine city rail and bus must be positively promoted.
Seeking for building Ulsan, Busan, KyongNam Great- Sphere Economic Zone that stems Busan as a symmetrical idea of Seoul's, capital area in aspect of industrial structure, is evaluated in this study. Also, the construction of the city LRT between Ulsan- Busan is necessary for the smooth commencement of the project.

Ulsan, Busan, and KyongNam, should mutually build a complementary relationship in view of industrial structure, which will greatly facilitate the development of Ulsan, Busan, KyongNam Great- Sphere Economic Zone. In addition, the formation to pursue Ulsan, Busan, KyongNam Great- Sphere Economic Zone will increase and develop the finance, insurance, and service business along the with high technology industry.

Presently, human and material resource interchange network between Busan and Ulsan is not well organized. So, mutual development must be made possible by building a mutual relation between the production function and service industry within the Great-Sphere Zone by constructing a integrated rail transit network between Ulsan and Busan.

The selection of strategic industries and support plans must be implemented within the view of the Great-Sphere Economic support. Strategic industries in view of Great-Sphere Selection should be the basis of selection instead of administrative areas. Additionally, reform resource should be distributed by region within the Great-Sphere Economic Zone as well as building a connection system.

In this case, duplicate investments should be allocated in social base necessities to enhance the knowledge base industries such as education, research and development, environment, housing, and others by each administration. Eventally, it will lead to the prevention of exhaustive competition.

First of all, profound theoretical and positive studies must be performed to effectively pursuit Ulsan, Busan, and KyongNam Great- Sphere Economic Zone. Furthermore, the Perception of the person in charge of the plan must change to an objective study on the point of a 'win- win game' that economic advantage brings higher gains to everyone in the participating area.

The following must be proceeded to successfully bring Ulsan- Busan Light Rail Transit to promote Ulsan, Busan, and KyongNam Great-Sphere Economic Zone. First, adequacy and efficiency of public services must be considered and detailed economic analysis must be performed with consideration of the local economic conditions. Second, effort to secure autonomic city rail investment resource of local self-governing body is necessary. Third, the governing support method of city rail must be improved. Fourth, as seen in the case of Japan, Light Rail Transit construction project through private fund needs to be activated.

Fifth, it is necessary to maintain a main construction body to expand the city rail network. Sixth, public transportation policy to combine city rail and bus must be positively promoted.
Issued Date
Research Laboratory
Alternative Author(s)
Chang, Byung-Ik
울산대학교 저작물은 저작권에 의해 보호받습니다.
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