株式會社에 있어서의 少數株主保護

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소수주주 보호와 관련된 우리의 현행 상법 규정들, 예컨대 위법행위유지청구권, 이사의 회사 및 제3자에 대한 손해배상책임, 대표소송 및 주식매수청구권 등의 규정은 이사의 책임추궁에 초점을 맞추고 있다. 그런데, 기업주의 자의적 경영이 이루어지고 있는 우리 대기업에 있어서 기업주는 이사직을 맡지 않고 있기 때문에, 이들 규정만으로는 소수주주보호에 미흡하다.

따라서 해석론 내지는 입법론으로써 외국에서 논의되는 각종 이론을 검토할 필요가 있다. 이 글에서 영국법상의 그림자 이사와 독일 및 일본에서 논의되는 사실상의 이사 개념을 소개한 후, 현재로서는 우리나라로서의 도입가능성이 희박하다는 것을 밝힌다. 또한 미국과 독일, 일본 등지에서 활발히 논의되고 있는 지배주주의 성실의무가 인정되기 까지의 과정 및 그 내용을 소개한 후 이의 도구개념적 성격 및 한계를 밝히고, 결론적으로 우리 나라에서 소수주주 모호를 위해서는 회사법에 명시적인 규정을 신설하는 것이 궁극적인 해결책임을 제시한다.
The current provisions of the Korean Commercial Code regarding the protection of minority shareholders, such as ' the right to demand the stoppage of a director's actions.' ' the directors's liability to the company or to third persons,' 'derivatives suits' operate their companies without retaining the office of director, the current provisions of the Korean Commercial Code are unsatisfactory for the protection of minority shareholders.

Therefore, we need to introduce and review foreign theories in order to further restructure the current law and to enact new provisions. This article introduces the of " actual director," and elucidates that thus German and Japanese legal concept being introduced in Korea is very low. In addition, this article presents the concept and history of "the controlling shareholders' fiduciary duty," and elucidates its nature as an instrumental concept and its limits. This article conclusively suggests that the ultimate solution to the problem of minority shareholders protection is to append new express provisions to the Korean Commercial Code.
The current provisions of the Korean Commercial Code regarding the protection of minority shareholders, such as ' the right to demand the stoppage of a director's actions.' ' the directors's liability to the company or to third persons,' 'derivatives suits' operate their companies without retaining the office of director, the current provisions of the Korean Commercial Code are unsatisfactory for the protection of minority shareholders.

Therefore, we need to introduce and review foreign theories in order to further restructure the current law and to enact new provisions. This article introduces the of " actual director," and elucidates that thus German and Japanese legal concept being introduced in Korea is very low. In addition, this article presents the concept and history of "the controlling shareholders' fiduciary duty," and elucidates its nature as an instrumental concept and its limits. This article conclusively suggests that the ultimate solution to the problem of minority shareholders protection is to append new express provisions to the Korean Commercial Code.
Issued Date
Research Laboratory
Alternative Author(s)
Lee,Je WonYou,Young Ihl
울산대학교 저작물은 저작권에 의해 보호받습니다.
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Research Laboratory > Journal of social science
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