中小製造業을 위한 生産管理시스템 模型

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A Computer Model of Production Planning and Control System for a Small and Medium-size Manufacturing Company
중소 제조업의 생산성 향상을 위해 다음과 같은 절차를 따라 PC를 이용한 생산관리시스템의 모형을 개발하였다.

먼저 생산관리의 목표와 생산관리 시스템이 가져야 할 하위 기능을 문헌을 통해서 고찰하였으며 대표적인 생산관리시스템의 유형으로 제조번호 관리방식, MRP시스템, JIT시스템의 특징을 고찰하고 각 시스템을 상호 비교하였다. 또한 중소 제조업의 생산 관리실태를 조사, 분석해서 중소제조업의 생산관리 관행 및 생산관리와 관련된 문제점을 파악하였으며, 이를 토대로 중소 제조업을 위한 생산 관리시스템의 모형을 개발하였다.

이 생산관리 시스템이 가지는 하위시스템은 1) 수주. 출하관리 하위시스템, 2) 기술정보관리 하위시스템, 3) 생산계획 하위시스템, 4) 자재소요계획 하위시스템, 5) 발주. 자재관리 하위시스템, 6) 생산능력계획 하위시스템, 7) 공정관리 하위시스템이며 이 생산관리 시스템이 가지는 특징은 1) 생산번호에 의한 생산관리, 20 효율적인 BOM 관리체계, 3) 메뉴방식에 의한 운영이다.
A computerized production planning and control system for a small and medium-sized company was developed as a means to improve productivity of Korean small and medium-sized manufacturing companies.

Our production planning and control system(PPCS) is composed of 7 subsystems. which are 1) Order and distribution management subsystem, 2) Technological information management subsystem, 3) Production planning subsystem, 4) Material requirements planning subsystem, 5) Matreials management subsystem, 6) Capacity planning subsystem and 7) Production control subsystem.

The PPCS has several characteristics as follows. 1) The production planning and control is managed by manufacturing sequence number. 2) There's and efficient tool to prepare and maintain BOM. 3) Users operate computer on programmed menu.
A computerized production planning and control system for a small and medium-sized company was developed as a means to improve productivity of Korean small and medium-sized manufacturing companies.

Our production planning and control system(PPCS) is composed of 7 subsystems. which are 1) Order and distribution management subsystem, 2) Technological information management subsystem, 3) Production planning subsystem, 4) Material requirements planning subsystem, 5) Matreials management subsystem, 6) Capacity planning subsystem and 7) Production control subsystem.

The PPCS has several characteristics as follows. 1) The production planning and control is managed by manufacturing sequence number. 2) There's and efficient tool to prepare and maintain BOM. 3) Users operate computer on programmed menu.
Issued Date
Research Laboratory
Alternative Author(s)
Kang, Jong-YeolLee, Dong-Jin
울산대학교 저작물은 저작권에 의해 보호받습니다.
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Research Laboratory > Journal of social science
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