한국에서의 여성의 법적 지위에 관한 연구

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A Study on the Legal Status of Female in Korea(especially in Civil Law)
우리 헌법은 ?? 36조 제1항에서 양성 평등을 규정하고 있다. 민법 특히 가족법은 헌법의 정신을 구현하는 하위법으로서 우리 나라에서의 여성의 법적 지위를 가장 뚜렷하게 보여주는 분야라고 할 수 있다. 재산법도 가족법만큼은 아니지만 여성의 경제활동과 관련된 법적 지위를 보여준다. 이 글은 부계혈통과 남계혈족을 우선시하여 남녀를 차별하는 가족법과 재산법상의 각 규정과 제도 및 판례 등을 살펴보고 그에 대한 간단한 대책을 제시하였다.
The Constitution of Korea provides the equality between the genders in its article 36 ②. The Korean Civil Law has to comply with the Constitution. But we can see more often the unequality between the genders in Civil Law(esp. family law) than other laws.

This paper surveyed and suggested the provisions and systems which showed the unequality between genders.

In Korea the ideology of paternal blood lineage governs the family law. The family name, the bounds of kinship, the forbidden marriage between relatives, the succession to the headship of a family, a forbidden period of remarriage of a woman, the right of denial of paternality are all connected with paternal blood lineage. And the distinction in the marrigeable age between genders, wife's portion in succession must be amended, too.
The Constitution of Korea provides the equality between the genders in its article 36 ②. The Korean Civil Law has to comply with the Constitution. But we can see more often the unequality between the genders in Civil Law(esp. family law) than other laws.

This paper surveyed and suggested the provisions and systems which showed the unequality between genders.

In Korea the ideology of paternal blood lineage governs the family law. The family name, the bounds of kinship, the forbidden marriage between relatives, the succession to the headship of a family, a forbidden period of remarriage of a woman, the right of denial of paternality are all connected with paternal blood lineage. And the distinction in the marrigeable age between genders, wife's portion in succession must be amended, too.
Issued Date
Research Laboratory
Alternative Author(s)
Kim, You-Mee
울산대학교 저작물은 저작권에 의해 보호받습니다.
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Research Laboratory > Journal of social science
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