한ㆍ일 자동차산업의 발전패턴과 발전단계에 관한 비교연구

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A Comparative Analysis of the Development Pattern and Stage of Auto Industry between Korea and Japan
본 논문은 한국과 일본의 자동차(승용차)산업의 발전경로, 발전단계별 도달시기 및 산업의 각 발전단계별 특징에 대해서 비교·분석하였다. 한국과 일본의 자동차산업은 雁行形態的 발전형태를 취하고 있으며, 일본의 자동차산업은 1950년대 중반에 수입대체기, 60년대 후반에 수출성장단계, 그리고 80년대 중반부터 성숙단계에 진입하였다. 반면 한국의 자동차산업은 1970년대 중반에 수입대체단계, 80년대 중후반에 수출성장단계로 진입하였다.

일본의 자동차산업은 수입대체기간 중 내수가 증대하였고 이는 다시 생산증대를 유발하면서 제품경쟁력을 증가시켜 수출성장단계로 진입하였다. 그러나 한국의 자동차산업은 일본의 자동차산업과 비교할 때 내수증대→ 생산증가 및 기술발전, 부품공업성장 등에 의한 완성차의 경쟁력을 강화하는 수입대체단계를 충분히 거치지 않은 채 수출이 급증하였다.

한국의 자동차산업은 수출성장 초기단계에 있어 일본기업에 비해 규모가 훨씬 작을 때부터 수출성장단계로 이행하였으며 일본에 비해 대외의존도가 높다. 그리고 한국 자동차산업은 외국자본과 기술에 대해 일본에 비해 개방적이었으나 일본은 그에 대해 폐쇄적이었다. ?피? 한국의 자동차산업은 수입대체기간이 일본에 비해 매우 짧았으며 일본의 자동차산업의 발전과정을 단축하는 압축형 성장을 달성하였다.
This study analyzes the development paths and stage in the auto industry between Korea and Japan. The development patterns of auto industry both in Korea and Japan have demonstrated a catching- up product cycle. However, the development stages between the two countries are significantly different. Japanese auto industry has experienced the stage of import substitution in the middle of 1950s. On the other hand, Korean auto industry had the stage of import substitution in the middle of 1970s and entered the stage of export growth in the late 1980s.

In the stage of import substitution, the national demand of auto industry has been increased in Japan, which entails the increase in the level of production. However, the Korean auto industry has entered the stage of export growth without fully experiencing the development of part industry and the stage of import substitution.

In addition, Korean auto industry has been open to foreign technologies and investment. The period of import substitution of Korean auto industry was shorter than that of Japanese, which promotes export growth in a short period of time.
This study analyzes the development paths and stage in the auto industry between Korea and Japan. The development patterns of auto industry both in Korea and Japan have demonstrated a catching- up product cycle. However, the development stages between the two countries are significantly different. Japanese auto industry has experienced the stage of import substitution in the middle of 1950s. On the other hand, Korean auto industry had the stage of import substitution in the middle of 1970s and entered the stage of export growth in the late 1980s.

In the stage of import substitution, the national demand of auto industry has been increased in Japan, which entails the increase in the level of production. However, the Korean auto industry has entered the stage of export growth without fully experiencing the development of part industry and the stage of import substitution.

In addition, Korean auto industry has been open to foreign technologies and investment. The period of import substitution of Korean auto industry was shorter than that of Japanese, which promotes export growth in a short period of time.
Issued Date
Research Laboratory
Alternative Author(s)
Chang, Byung-Ik
울산대학교 저작물은 저작권에 의해 보호받습니다.
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Research Laboratory > Journal of social science
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