독거노인가구의 형성과정에 관한 생애과정적 사례 연구

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The Case Study in the Process of Being the Aged Household of Living Alone as their Life Course
본 연구는 독거노인가구가 형성되는 원인과 그 과정을 분석하는 것을 목적으로 한다. 본 연구의 대상은 울산시에 거주하는 65세 이상의 혼자 사는 여성 노인이다. 연구대상에 대한 자료는 개별 방문과 심충면접을 통하여 수집하였으며, 수집과정에서 반구조화된 질문지와 녹음기를 사용하였다. 총 24사례를 수집하여 18사례를 분석에 사용하였다.

수집된 자료에 대한 분석은, 첫째, 독거노인가구의 형성원인에 대해서는 독거노인들이 자신의 독거원인을 어떻게 지각하고 있는가에 초점을 맞추어 분석하였으며, 둘째, 독거노인들이 자신의 독거원인을 어떻게 지각하고 있는가에 초점을 맞추어 분석하였으며, 둘째, 독거노인가구가 형성되는 과정에 대해서는 독거직전의 동거 가족원이 누구인가에 따라 형성경로를 유형화하였고, 생애과정에서의 중요한 전환점을 중심으로 그들의 삶을 분석하였다.
The purpose of this study is to analyze the cause for and the process of being the aged household of living alone. The subjects of this study were women over 65 years old in Ulsan. The data have been collected by visiting and interviewing them individually. In interviews, questionnaires and recorders were used, and then 18 cases were analyzed.

The conclusion from the investigation and discussion can be summerized as follows : 1. The cause of living alone perceived by themselves : The cause can show 5 types(their undutiful adult children, the absence of a son, the burden to their married children, the absence of children, the marriage to the husband with problems). 2. The process of living alone ; The process is typelized as 5 types, according to the family whom(a husband, unmarried children, married children, grandchildren, her mother) they lived with before living alone. And it is analyzed in three aspects-the route, the whole life course and the genogram.
The purpose of this study is to analyze the cause for and the process of being the aged household of living alone. The subjects of this study were women over 65 years old in Ulsan. The data have been collected by visiting and interviewing them individually. In interviews, questionnaires and recorders were used, and then 18 cases were analyzed.

The conclusion from the investigation and discussion can be summerized as follows : 1. The cause of living alone perceived by themselves : The cause can show 5 types(their undutiful adult children, the absence of a son, the burden to their married children, the absence of children, the marriage to the husband with problems). 2. The process of living alone ; The process is typelized as 5 types, according to the family whom(a husband, unmarried children, married children, grandchildren, her mother) they lived with before living alone. And it is analyzed in three aspects-the route, the whole life course and the genogram.
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Research Laboratory
Alternative Author(s)
Ha,Kwae NamJung,Min Ja
울산대학교 저작물은 저작권에 의해 보호받습니다.
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Research Laboratory > Journal of human ecology
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