보육환경(보육시설 및 교사)이 영아의 사회적 행동에 미치는 영향

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The Effects of Child Care Environment(Facilities and Caregivers) on Toddlers' Social Behavior
본 연구에서는 보육환경(보육시설 및 교사)이 영아의 사회적 행동에 미치는 영향을 관찰을 통해 조사 분석하였다. 울산광역시에 위치한 8개 보육시설(국·공립 보육시설: 4개, 민간 보육시설: 4개)에서 27-35개월 된 영아 40명을 자유놀이 시간에 교실에서 관찰하였다. 각 영아는 20초 관찰, 10초 기록의 시간표집방법에 의해 총 42회 관찰하였으며, 영아의 사회적 행동은 또래와의 상호작용과 교사와의 상호작용으로 나뉘어졌다. 보육시설 변인 중 보육시설유형, 교사 대 영아 비율, 그리고 교사변인 중 전체경력, 영아반 경력, 결혼여부, 소지자격유형이 영아의 사회적 행동에 유의한 영향을 미치는 것으로 나타났다.
This study alms to investigate and analyze how child care environments including facilities and caregiver's characteristics affect on toddlers' social behavior using observational methods. Data were obtained in eight child care centers(four public centers and four private centers) in Ulsan. The average age of toddlers was 31.7 months ranging from 27 months to 35 months. For each toddler forty-two observations were done at free play time in the center through the time sampling method of twenty-second observation and ten-second recording. Among characteristics of the child care facilities, types of facilities, the caregivers and toddlers ratio could predict toddlers' social behavior. Total teaching experience, teaching experience with toddlers class, martial status, certificate types of caregivers also could predict toddlers' social behavior.
This study alms to investigate and analyze how child care environments including facilities and caregiver's characteristics affect on toddlers' social behavior using observational methods. Data were obtained in eight child care centers(four public centers and four private centers) in Ulsan. The average age of toddlers was 31.7 months ranging from 27 months to 35 months. For each toddler forty-two observations were done at free play time in the center through the time sampling method of twenty-second observation and ten-second recording. Among characteristics of the child care facilities, types of facilities, the caregivers and toddlers ratio could predict toddlers' social behavior. Total teaching experience, teaching experience with toddlers class, martial status, certificate types of caregivers also could predict toddlers' social behavior.
Issued Date
Research Laboratory
Alternative Author(s)
Choi, Ji-HyunPark, Hye-Won
울산대학교 저작물은 저작권에 의해 보호받습니다.
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Research Laboratory > Journal of human ecology
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