울산광역시 소비자피해구제정책의 실태와 발전방안

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Development of the Remedy for Consumers' Damages in Ulsan Metropolitan city
이 논문에서는 울산광역시 소비자 피해구제정책의 실태를 분석한 결과 다음과 같은 발전방안을 제시하였다. 첫째, 전문상담기구를 소비자보호조례로 지정·설치하여, 지자제 예산으로 상품텟트 및 시험분석을 함으로써 피해구제의 효율성을 높이도록 하여야 한다. 둘째소비자피해구제기관의 신뢰성을 높일 수 있는 최선의 방법은 전문인력을 양성하고 배치하는 것이다. 지방자치단체에서는 피해구제 실태분석과 정보를 행정에 반영할 수 있는 기구를 설치하여 시책에 반영되도록 해야 한다. 셋째, 중앙시책이 하달되는 방식이 아니라 우산지역의 특성을 반영할 수 있는 정책과 규정을 제정하고 시행할 수 있도록 한다. 넷째, 전문인력을 양성할 수 있는 인력창구와 이러한 인력 연합회를 구성하여 전문정보의 공유와 고도의 피해구제 능력을 완비·배치하도록 하고, 다섯째, 효율적인 소비자 교육을 위해 지역교육기관과 연계 프로그램을 개발하여 소비생활의 질을 향상시켜야 한다. 여섯째, 공공기관 직속의 민간단체를 설립하여 울산시민을 위한 정책이 입안·시행되게 하고, 소비자부문을 전담하는 기관과 단체를 육성할 수 있도록 조례로 규정하여야 한다. 마지막으로 현재 울산광역시의 소비자 피해구제정책이 부족한 상황이므로 민간소비자단체 협의회를 조직하여 자체역량을 강화하고, 재정적 지원을 호가대할 수 있는 방안을 마련하고, 민간소비자단체의 평가기준을 변경해야 한다.
This paper analyzed Unsan metropolitan city's consumer protection policy and provided suggestions for development of remedy for consumer's damages. (1)It is necessary to designate and install the professional consulting center, and to equip with test equipment using the budget of self-governing organization, improving the efficiency of remedy for consumer damage. (2)The best way to improve the reliability of damage relief organization is to cultivate and place the professional staff. Local self-governing organization should install the system that can analyze the present status of damage relief and reflect the information to the administration, and further to policy. (3)It is necessarry to enact and enforce the policy and regulations that can reflect the features of Ulsan city, instead of top-to-down policy from the government. (4)It is also necessary to organize the personnel team and association to cultivate the professional staff for education of consumer and professional staff, allowing them to share the professional information and to equip with high level of damage relief capability. For effective consumer education, it is necessary to develop program in connection with local education organization in order to improve the quality of consumption life. (5)In order to enact and enforce the policy for the benefit of Ulsan citizen, The cultivation of organization and group that takes exclusive charge of consumer parts need. (6)The private consumer group association should be organized and reinforced its own capacity, since the damage relief policy at Ulsan is not sufficient. At the same time, it is also required to prepare the ways of expanding financial resources, and to change the evaluation standard of private consumer group's evaluation.
This paper analyzed Unsan metropolitan city's consumer protection policy and provided suggestions for development of remedy for consumer's damages. (1)It is necessary to designate and install the professional consulting center, and to equip with test equipment using the budget of self-governing organization, improving the efficiency of remedy for consumer damage. (2)The best way to improve the reliability of damage relief organization is to cultivate and place the professional staff. Local self-governing organization should install the system that can analyze the present status of damage relief and reflect the information to the administration, and further to policy. (3)It is necessarry to enact and enforce the policy and regulations that can reflect the features of Ulsan city, instead of top-to-down policy from the government. (4)It is also necessary to organize the personnel team and association to cultivate the professional staff for education of consumer and professional staff, allowing them to share the professional information and to equip with high level of damage relief capability. For effective consumer education, it is necessary to develop program in connection with local education organization in order to improve the quality of consumption life. (5)In order to enact and enforce the policy for the benefit of Ulsan citizen, The cultivation of organization and group that takes exclusive charge of consumer parts need. (6)The private consumer group association should be organized and reinforced its own capacity, since the damage relief policy at Ulsan is not sufficient. At the same time, it is also required to prepare the ways of expanding financial resources, and to change the evaluation standard of private consumer group's evaluation.
Issued Date
Research Laboratory
Alternative Author(s)
Seo, JeongheeBack, Jaehwa
울산대학교 저작물은 저작권에 의해 보호받습니다.
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Research Laboratory > Journal of human ecology
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