울산시 보건소 당뇨교실에 참가한 당뇨환자의 식습관 실태에 관한 연구

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A Suty on Dietary Habits of Diabetes Patients Commuting to a Ulsan Health Center
본 연구의 목적은 당뇨환자의 특성, 식사조절, 운동여부와 그 외의 식습관을 조사함으로써, 이를 영양교육과 영양상담을 하는 데에 있어 기초자료로 이용하고자 한다. 울산시 동구 보건소를 내원한 당뇨환자 112명을 대상으로 조사한 결과를 요약하면 다음과 같다.

대상자의 당뇨보유기간은 7.58 ± 7.30년이었고, 공복시 혈당과 식후 2시간 후 혈당은 각각 180.92 ± 71.42mg/dl 247.64 ± 105.26mg/dl으며, 합병증 증세로는 저혈당 증세가 가장 많았으며, 심혈관질환, 망막장애, 백내장, 당뇨족, 신장장애, 말초신경장애 등 여러 합병증도 존재함을 알 수 있었다. 당뇨병으로 인한 증상으로는 눈흐림 50.5%, 피로 46.7%로 대부분의 조사대상자가 느끼는 증상이었고, 그 외 잦은 소변, 갈증, 짜증, 기타 증상(손발 절임, 어지러움, 몸이 무겁다, 변비, 가래)이 나타났다. 조사대상자들의 38%는 식사조절을 하였으나 대부분이 식품 교환표를 이용하지 않는 것으로 나타났고, 음주와 흡연을 한다는 경우는 각각 15.7%로 나타났다. 보건소를 이용하는 환자들은 대부분 고령인 점을 고려하여 이들이 쉽게 이해할 수 있으며 식생활에 적응할 수 있는 영양교육프로그램의 개발이 필요하다고 본다.
The purpose of this study is to investigate the diabetes subject of health center for nutrition education. 112 subjects were evaluated with Questionnaire., Diabetic duration were 7.58 years and the fasting and 2-hour postprandial glucose level were 180.92 ±71.42mg/dl, 247.64 ± 105.26mg/dl. The complications were hypoglycemia > weakness in legs > renal, failure > peripheral neural disorder, and diabetic symptoms were sight disturbance > fatigue> polyuria. 62% of subjects were not executed diet therapy and

15.7% of subject had drinking and smoking habit. The most influential referents were medical professionals including doctors, nurses, dieticians, so their role in diet therapy should be emphasized. Since diabetic patients commuting to a local health center were mainly illiterate and received little formal education, it is very important to develop and assess appropriate nutrition education for them.
The purpose of this study is to investigate the diabetes subject of health center for nutrition education. 112 subjects were evaluated with Questionnaire., Diabetic duration were 7.58 years and the fasting and 2-hour postprandial glucose level were 180.92 ±71.42mg/dl, 247.64 ± 105.26mg/dl. The complications were hypoglycemia > weakness in legs > renal, failure > peripheral neural disorder, and diabetic symptoms were sight disturbance > fatigue> polyuria. 62% of subjects were not executed diet therapy and

15.7% of subject had drinking and smoking habit. The most influential referents were medical professionals including doctors, nurses, dieticians, so their role in diet therapy should be emphasized. Since diabetic patients commuting to a local health center were mainly illiterate and received little formal education, it is very important to develop and assess appropriate nutrition education for them.
Issued Date
Research Laboratory
Alternative Author(s)
Hong, Soon-MyungHwang, Hye-JinChoi, Soon-HoJeong, Eun-Mi
울산대학교 저작물은 저작권에 의해 보호받습니다.
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