Trehalose의 노화 억제 효과
- Alternative Title
- Suppression Effect of Trehalose on Retrogradation
- Abstract
- 시차주사열량기와 색도계를 이용하여 Trehalose의 가래떡 노화에 미치는 영향을 검토하였다. 가래떡의 노화정도는 저장온도와 무관하게 경시적으로 증가하였는데 Trehalose가 노화를 억제하는 것으로 나타났다. 특히 저온에서 노화가 실온보다 심하게 일어났으며 저장초기에 저장온도에 대한 영향이 큰 것으로 나타났다. 그리고 L*값은 실온저장(25℃)시 냉장저장(4℃)의 경우보다 시간에 따른 변화가 컸으며, 냉동보관시 a*값은 저장 1일째 까지는 변화가 없다가 5%를 첨가한 가래떡을 실온에서 저장한 경우에는 가장 낮은 a*값을 나타내었다. b*값의 경우에는 Trehalose 첨가량과 저장온도에 따라 크게 변하지 않았다. 색깔안정화의 효과는 Trehalose 첨가농도가 증가할수록 큰 것으로 나타났으며, 특히 냉장보관시에 효과가 두드러지는 것으로 관찰되었다.
This studies were investigated to provide the influence of trehalose on retrogradation of Korean rice cake by differential scanning calorimeter and tristimulus values of CIE color Croma Meter. Having no connection with storage temperature, degree of retrogradation of Korean rice cake was increased with storage time. Degree of retrogradation of Korean rice cake was decreased in case of addition of trehalose to the Korean rice cake paste. Degree of retrogradation of Korean rice cake stored at low temperature(4℃) was higher than that of Korean rice cake stored at room temperature(25℃). In particular, degree of retrogradation of Korean rice cake was shown to be clearly influenced by storage temperature at the beginning of storage. The value of L of Korean rice cake at room temperature was indicated to be significantly changed compared with that of Korean rice cake at low temperature. The value of a of Korean rice cake was not changed until one day of storage, and shown to be minimized in storage at room temperature(25℃) in case of addition of 5% trehalose to the paste of Korean rice cake. The change of b value in general was not significantly observed even if storage temperature and amount of trehalose have been variable. However effects of trehalose in color stability of Korean rice cake was remarkably exhibited in storage at low temperature(4℃).
This studies were investigated to provide the influence of trehalose on retrogradation of Korean rice cake by differential scanning calorimeter and tristimulus values of CIE color Croma Meter. Having no connection with storage temperature, degree of retrogradation of Korean rice cake was increased with storage time. Degree of retrogradation of Korean rice cake was decreased in case of addition of trehalose to the Korean rice cake paste. Degree of retrogradation of Korean rice cake stored at low temperature(4℃) was higher than that of Korean rice cake stored at room temperature(25℃). In particular, degree of retrogradation of Korean rice cake was shown to be clearly influenced by storage temperature at the beginning of storage. The value of L of Korean rice cake at room temperature was indicated to be significantly changed compared with that of Korean rice cake at low temperature. The value of a of Korean rice cake was not changed until one day of storage, and shown to be minimized in storage at room temperature(25℃) in case of addition of 5% trehalose to the paste of Korean rice cake. The change of b value in general was not significantly observed even if storage temperature and amount of trehalose have been variable. However effects of trehalose in color stability of Korean rice cake was remarkably exhibited in storage at low temperature(4℃).
- Author(s)
- 박정욱; 정한모; 송재철
- Issued Date
- 2000
- Type
- Research Laboratory
- 공개 및 라이선스
- 파일 목록
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