高麗 前期 地方統制의 性格

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On the Centralization of Local Elements in Early Koryo Dynasty
本 論考에서는 고려초기부터 고려왕조가 시도한 地方 統制를 그 性格面에서 검토하였다.

건국초기에 地方에 獨立的인 豪族세력들의 收取기반을 해체하고 그들을 대신하여 收取체제를 확립하기 위한 政府의 地方統制는 成宗二年 十二牧의 설치이후 본격적으로 시작된다. 行政文治的인 性格을 지닌 성종2년의 地方統制는 계속 강화확대되어 成宗 14年에는 節度使체제의 편성과 함께 軍事的 性格이 강한 地方統制로 변한다. 이것이 顯宗 3년에는 다시 行政的인 面의 성격이 강한 지방제도가 마련?품? 현종 9년에는 州縣軍의 성립, 鄕吏에 대한 통제 정책과 병행되어「牧」을 중심으로 한 地方統治체제의 기반이 이루어 진다.

즉 고려 前期의 지방통제는 대외적으로 외족 침입의 비상시기에 진행되고 대내적으로는 豪族세력의 통치라는 과제가 항상 중시되면서, 軍事的인 面과 行政的인 性格의 兩面이 조화된채 地方통제 체제를 갖추어 나갔다.
The purpose of this paper is to inquire into the local administration system of early Koryo Danasty. The local administration which anmed to gather taxes under the direct control of the central government instead of the independent local peerages was fully propagated with the establishment of 12 magistrates (牧) in the 2nd year of King Sungjong(成宗).

This local administration which was at first of non-military civil character, came to have strong military character when martial governors(節度使) began to be appointed by the king in the 14th year of King Sungjong. but in the 3rd year of King Hyeunjong(顯宗) these local administrative bodies became more civil-oriented. In the end in the 9th year of the King Hyeungjong, the government completed the general frame of local administration with the magistrates(牧) assuming its pivotal function by the full control of both the local military elements and local landed gentry class.

The centralizing process of local elements in early Koryo Dynasty was reinforced and expediated as the nation later came to be exposed to frequent foreign invasions, for in times of ear a strong, centralized government was natrually favored. So the local administration of the Dynasty had double aspects-administrative and martial.
The purpose of this paper is to inquire into the local administration system of early Koryo Danasty. The local administration which anmed to gather taxes under the direct control of the central government instead of the independent local peerages was fully propagated with the establishment of 12 magistrates (牧) in the 2nd year of King Sungjong(成宗).

This local administration which was at first of non-military civil character, came to have strong military character when martial governors(節度使) began to be appointed by the king in the 14th year of King Sungjong. but in the 3rd year of King Hyeunjong(顯宗) these local administrative bodies became more civil-oriented. In the end in the 9th year of the King Hyeungjong, the government completed the general frame of local administration with the magistrates(牧) assuming its pivotal function by the full control of both the local military elements and local landed gentry class.

The centralizing process of local elements in early Koryo Dynasty was reinforced and expediated as the nation later came to be exposed to frequent foreign invasions, for in times of ear a strong, centralized government was natrually favored. So the local administration of the Dynasty had double aspects-administrative and martial.
Issued Date
Research Laboratory
Alternative Author(s)
Lee,Keun Soo
울산대학교 저작물은 저작권에 의해 보호받습니다.
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