高齡化社會와 老人問題

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A Study on Welfare Programs for the Aged
高度經濟成長에 따른 生活水準의 向上은 우리나라의 人口構造에 큰 變化를 일으켜 고령자人口의 비중이 높아짐에 따라 現代社會는 고령화사회로 되어가고 있다. 피라밋型이던 연령분포가 이제는 거의 통형으로 均等化해가는 경향이며 따라서 老人의 問題 卽 ?疵?사회의 문제는 一時的이거나 과도적인것으로 끝나지 않는다. 물론 당장의 對策은 老人福祉法의 制定으로 老年의 生計를 돕고 양노시설과 老人亭의 신설을 촉진하는 일이 시급하다. 부양가족이 있는 경우에는 우리전통의 美德인 敬老思想의 계승으로 工業化社會의 가족제도가 안고 있는 非情性을 극복하는 일이 보다 긴요한 일일 것이다. 老人問題는 年金의 支拂이나 양노시설의 확충만으로 해결되지 않는다는 것은 명백하다. 人間은 스스로 일하고 봉사하는 보람없이는 生存의 즐거움을 얻을 수 없기 때문이다. 우리는 이점을 깊이 인식하고 이제부터라도 進行中인 고령화社會의 추세에 대응하는 구조적이고도 綜合的인 社會政策을 成案하지 않으면 안될 것이다.
In close pace with the talked-about national modernization, we are urged to promote welfare programs for the masses particularly including aged people.

The sooner the nation approaches the advanced country type, the more old people increase.

Most regrettably, however, our society may be no exception as far as this particular social issue is concerned.

Due to the prevalence of so-called nuclear families in our community patterned after advanced societies, the aged are becoming more and more isolated from the active scenes around them, with their sense of estrangement growing markedly.

We cannot too much stress the necessity of promoting social welfare for aged people, patterned after the systems in advanced countries.

We also reminded of our traditional ethics, in which the aged are always respected, implanting the "respected the aged" spirit among youngsters at home and in society.

It is needless to elaborate that we should respect them unconditionally, if we are to uphold the highest virtue as social beings and family members.

To comfort the aged materially and physically is necessary. But this is not enough if we are really to please them.

In other words, we should give them opportunities to serve their families and society, providing jobs to earn money by themselves.

As of this year, the legal retirement age was set at 70 in the United States. This is 10 to 15 years later than in this country.

Consequently, It is suggested that the Government quickly should map out comprehensive measures to back up legally the settlement of problems involved in the aged population, including extending the age limit and reemployment, not stopping at the persuasion of enterprises for the voluntary enforcement of the retirement age extension.
In close pace with the talked-about national modernization, we are urged to promote welfare programs for the masses particularly including aged people.

The sooner the nation approaches the advanced country type, the more old people increase.

Most regrettably, however, our society may be no exception as far as this particular social issue is concerned.

Due to the prevalence of so-called nuclear families in our community patterned after advanced societies, the aged are becoming more and more isolated from the active scenes around them, with their sense of estrangement growing markedly.

We cannot too much stress the necessity of promoting social welfare for aged people, patterned after the systems in advanced countries.

We also reminded of our traditional ethics, in which the aged are always respected, implanting the "respected the aged" spirit among youngsters at home and in society.

It is needless to elaborate that we should respect them unconditionally, if we are to uphold the highest virtue as social beings and family members.

To comfort the aged materially and physically is necessary. But this is not enough if we are really to please them.

In other words, we should give them opportunities to serve their families and society, providing jobs to earn money by themselves.

As of this year, the legal retirement age was set at 70 in the United States. This is 10 to 15 years later than in this country.

Consequently, It is suggested that the Government quickly should map out comprehensive measures to back up legally the settlement of problems involved in the aged population, including extending the age limit and reemployment, not stopping at the persuasion of enterprises for the voluntary enforcement of the retirement age extension.
Issued Date
Research Laboratory
Alternative Author(s)
Kim, Woo-Sung
울산대학교 저작물은 저작권에 의해 보호받습니다.
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Research Laboratory > University of Ulsan Report
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