국민학생의 영양섭취와 건강상태에 관한 조사연구
- Alternative Title
- A Study on the status of nutrition and health of the elementary school children in Ulsan city
- Abstract
- 울산지역 국민학교 4, 5, 6학년 학생 376명을 대상으로 1988년 4월 10일부터 4월 25일까지 설문조사를 통하여 영양 섭취와 건강상태를 조사하여 생활양식과의 관계를 연구하였다.
1. 식사는 비교적 규칙적이었으며 가끔 결식하는 경우가 많았고 편식의 문제점이 있었으며, 식습관 태도는 양호한 편으로 나타났다.
2. 열량섭취량은 남학생은 2183kcal, 여학생은 2143kcal이며, 3대영양소의 열량 비율(탄수화물 ; 단백질 ; 지방)은 남, 녀 각각 59.0 : 15.3 : 25.7와 59.6 : 15.1 : 24.3이었으며, 남학생은 열량, Thiamin이, 여학생은 철분만이 권장량보도 낮았고 그외의 영양소의 섭취량은 권장량을 충족하였다.
3. 건강상태로는 신장은 남녀 평균 138.8cm와 140.6cm이었고, 체중은 32.8kg와 33.4kg이었으며, kaup지수는 남녀 각각 16.9와 16.8로 나타났으며, 건강상태는 보?陸ㅅ뎔? 많았고 건강이상증세로 '짜증이 난다' '졸음이 온다' '눈이 피로하다' '가끔 어지럽다'등의 순이였고, 이환질환으로는 호흡기질환, 위장질환순으로 나타났다.
4. 영양섭취와 수입, 식사의 규칙성, 식습관 태도점수, 생활활동, 성격 학업성적과 신체상환인 신장, 체중, kaup지수와는 순상관 관계를 나타내었으며, 식사의 문제성이 많을수록 영양섭취와는 역상관관계이었다.
5. 가장 좋아하는 식품으로는 아이스크림, 싫어하는 식품은 두유였고, 섭취빈도가 높은 식품은 우유, 과자, 비스켓, 아이스크림 순이었다.
The purpose of this study was to investigate the nutrient intake and health status of elementary school children and its analysis. This survey was conducted from April 10 to April 25, 1988 by the guestionaire 376 senior elementary school children(4,5,6th grade) in Ulsan city.
1. Most of the subjects had meals regularly and skipped meals occasionally. The problem of diet was unbalanced but the food habit score was relatively good.
2. The average guantity of calorie intake was 2183 Kcal for male and 2143Kcal for female and the percentages of the calorie composition (carbohydrate : protein : fat) were 59.0 : 15.3 : 25.7 for male and 59.6 : 15.1 : 25.3 for female. All nutrient intake was sufficient compared with RDA except calorie and thamin for mali and iron for female.
3. The mean height was 138.8cm for male and 140.6cm for female, the mean weight was 32.8kg for male and 33.4kg for female. The kaup index of male and female was 16.9 and 16.8 each. The health status of the subjects according to their self-diagonosed answer was an follows : the percentage of moderate health condition was 44.9 and the order of higher prevalence of health symptoms was "sensitive to small event", "feel drowsy", "tire eyesight" and stc.
4. The guantity of calorie, nutrient intakes and health condition have strong correlation with income meal's reqularity, food habit score, activity, character, student's records and inverese relation with the diet problem.
5. The most favorite food was icecream and dislike food was soybean milk. The frequency of intake of milk, cookies and iceream was high.
The purpose of this study was to investigate the nutrient intake and health status of elementary school children and its analysis. This survey was conducted from April 10 to April 25, 1988 by the guestionaire 376 senior elementary school children(4,5,6th grade) in Ulsan city.
1. Most of the subjects had meals regularly and skipped meals occasionally. The problem of diet was unbalanced but the food habit score was relatively good.
2. The average guantity of calorie intake was 2183 Kcal for male and 2143Kcal for female and the percentages of the calorie composition (carbohydrate : protein : fat) were 59.0 : 15.3 : 25.7 for male and 59.6 : 15.1 : 25.3 for female. All nutrient intake was sufficient compared with RDA except calorie and thamin for mali and iron for female.
3. The mean height was 138.8cm for male and 140.6cm for female, the mean weight was 32.8kg for male and 33.4kg for female. The kaup index of male and female was 16.9 and 16.8 each. The health status of the subjects according to their self-diagonosed answer was an follows : the percentage of moderate health condition was 44.9 and the order of higher prevalence of health symptoms was "sensitive to small event", "feel drowsy", "tire eyesight" and stc.
4. The guantity of calorie, nutrient intakes and health condition have strong correlation with income meal's reqularity, food habit score, activity, character, student's records and inverese relation with the diet problem.
5. The most favorite food was icecream and dislike food was soybean milk. The frequency of intake of milk, cookies and iceream was high.
- Author(s)
- 홍순명
- Issued Date
- 1990
- Type
- Research Laboratory
- https://oak.ulsan.ac.kr/handle/2021.oak/4547
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