國際 不完全 競爭市場에서의 規模의 經濟에 관한 硏究
- Alternative Title
- A Study on the Trade Pattern of Increasing Returns to Scale in Imperfect Competition
- Abstract
- 本 硏究에서는 市場構造가 內生的으로 확대될 때에는 傳統的인 헥셔-오린의 比較優位假說이 타당하지만, 企業의 轉人이 막혀 市場構造가 外生的으로 주어져 있는, 즉 不完全競爭이 國際市場을 지배할 때, 企業이 比較優位를 결정하기 위한 몇가지 假說을 定立하였다. 특히 規模의 經濟가 나타내는 現狀을 여러 각도에서 論하였고, 아울러 要素賦存度 및 市場構造의 貿易패턴에 대한 영향도 고찰하였다.
In this paper I have examined several hypotheses on comparative advantage in the presence of imperfect competition and increasing returns to scale. In a nutshell, my thesis is this: if market structures are endogenous, the Heckscher-Ohlin stories about the factor prices and comparative advantage are preserved; but if market structures are exogenous because of entry limitations, they themselves exert an influence on the comparative advantage, and in particular the degree of concentration in a sector and its degree of comparative advantage are positively correlated.
Although numerous empirical works have been done to explain a country's has never been dealt with. This analysis presents a testable hypothesis which is capable of being refuted.
In this paper I have examined several hypotheses on comparative advantage in the presence of imperfect competition and increasing returns to scale. In a nutshell, my thesis is this: if market structures are endogenous, the Heckscher-Ohlin stories about the factor prices and comparative advantage are preserved; but if market structures are exogenous because of entry limitations, they themselves exert an influence on the comparative advantage, and in particular the degree of concentration in a sector and its degree of comparative advantage are positively correlated.
Although numerous empirical works have been done to explain a country's has never been dealt with. This analysis presents a testable hypothesis which is capable of being refuted.
- Author(s)
- 朴東烈
- Issued Date
- 1986
- Type
- Research Laboratory
- https://oak.ulsan.ac.kr/handle/2021.oak/4552
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