東學에 관한 文學思想史的考察

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A Historical Study of Dong-Hak: concerning the Ideas Expressed in the Literature
東學은 19C 후반의 우리나라에 있어서 전통질서의 극복과 외세침략의 극복이라는 두 가지 과제에 대한 도전이었고, 동시에 당시의 시대정신을 그대로 드러내 보여준 민중의 움직임이었다.

동학은 敎理의 전파를 쉽게하기 위하여 국문가사의 양식을 빌어 그 교리를 기술하는데, 이때의 가사는 내용과 형식이 모두 고도의 예술성을 지니지는 못하지만, 일정한 사실을 기술하고 전달하고 주장하는 敎述쟝르로서의 성격을 잘 드러내게 된다. 가사의 교술적 성격이 객관적 현실을 기술·주장할 필요가 있었던 당시의 시대정신에 매우 적합했던 결과라고 하겠다.
Dong-Hak was challenge to the tasks of conquering the traditional order and the foreign influences; at the same time it was a movement of the people which revealed the spirit of the age.

Dong-Hak described its doctrine by suning the genre of Kuk-mun-ga-sa as a means to making it easier to propagandize its doctrine. Though the contents and style of the literary convention did not contain a high level of aesthetic quality, it showed the aharacteristics of a didacitic genre by means of which certain facts could be effectively described, transmitted and asserted.

The genre was used because its didactic characteristics were quite suitalve for the spirit of the age which needed to sescribe and assert the reality as it was.
Dong-Hak was challenge to the tasks of conquering the traditional order and the foreign influences; at the same time it was a movement of the people which revealed the spirit of the age.

Dong-Hak described its doctrine by suning the genre of Kuk-mun-ga-sa as a means to making it easier to propagandize its doctrine. Though the contents and style of the literary convention did not contain a high level of aesthetic quality, it showed the aharacteristics of a didacitic genre by means of which certain facts could be effectively described, transmitted and asserted.

The genre was used because its didactic characteristics were quite suitalve for the spirit of the age which needed to sescribe and assert the reality as it was.
Issued Date
Research Laboratory
Alternative Author(s)
Kim, Sung Ki
울산대학교 저작물은 저작권에 의해 보호받습니다.
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Research Laboratory > University of Ulsan Report
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