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A Study on The Importance and The Factors Influencing Mate Selection
본 연구의 목적은 배우자 선택이 관련되는 요인들과 배우자 선택시의 조건의 중요도를 알아보고자 하였다.

배우자 선택에 관한 연구가 가족학의 기초분야임에도 불구하고 실제 미약한 상태이다. 특히 한국에서는 실제 조사뿐만 아니라 이론 연구도 제대로 진행되지 못하고 있다.

본 연구는 외국에서 논의되고 있는 이론적 관점들을 크게 사회교환적 모델과 여과론적 모델을 중심으로 구조화 시켜 보았으며, 실제 현상 파악의 기초를 제공하고자 관련요인들을 전반적으로 조사 분석하였다.

그 결과 배우자 선택 현상에서 한국 가족의 정통성이 많이 사라지고 개인주의적으로 진행되고 있었다.

특히 현대 배우자 선택 현상은 내적 특성인 사랑, 건강, 성격, 가치 생활력 등이 중요시 되고있음을 알수 있었다.
The purpose of this study is to investigate the importance and the factors influencing mate selection.

Theories of mate selection are explained two viewpoints: social exchange model and filter model.

The date, collected from 275 the married living Ulsan, is analyzed by statistical methods, such as frequency distribution and X2-test.

The Major findings as follows;

1) General factors correlated mate selection;

(1) The types of mate selection are love marriage(40.7%), arranged match(25.8%) and lovearranged match(33.5%)

(2) The periods of decision making for mate selection are 6months 1year(31.7%) and within 3 months(24.9%) The period of engagement is within 3 months(49.6%).

(3) The horoscopic date is less important today. But females are more interesting in it than male significantly.

(4) The discrepancy in age is 3-4year.

(5) The ratio of premarital sex experience with her(his) partner is 23.6%.

2) Inner factors correlated mate selection;

(1) The married were supported by parents and friends on selection and decision making.

(2) A favorable impression and attraction influences upon mate selection. Especially personalty attraction and value similarity is important.

(3) Love(affection) and sexuality is necessary, but premarital sex needs not to marry.

(4) Generally they are openhearted meeting their partners.

3) The importance of mate selection conditions was ordered. The sequences as follows;

(1) health, (2) personality, (3) love, (4) living ability, (5) value orientation, (6) a bright future, (7) virginity, (8) growth environment, (9) occupation, (10) education level, (11) approval of parents

4) Subjects offered their opinions to young people. Their opinions as follows;

(1) personality, (2) humanity, (3) love, (4) health, (5) living ability, (6) growth environment (7) a bright future must be considered well.

Through this study, I can result that the phenomenon of mate selection in changing Korean family has become individualistic. In morden mate selection, internal traits(love, personality, health, value, living ability etc.) is important especially.
The purpose of this study is to investigate the importance and the factors influencing mate selection.

Theories of mate selection are explained two viewpoints: social exchange model and filter model.

The date, collected from 275 the married living Ulsan, is analyzed by statistical methods, such as frequency distribution and X2-test.

The Major findings as follows;

1) General factors correlated mate selection;

(1) The types of mate selection are love marriage(40.7%), arranged match(25.8%) and lovearranged match(33.5%)

(2) The periods of decision making for mate selection are 6months 1year(31.7%) and within 3 months(24.9%) The period of engagement is within 3 months(49.6%).

(3) The horoscopic date is less important today. But females are more interesting in it than male significantly.

(4) The discrepancy in age is 3-4year.

(5) The ratio of premarital sex experience with her(his) partner is 23.6%.

2) Inner factors correlated mate selection;

(1) The married were supported by parents and friends on selection and decision making.

(2) A favorable impression and attraction influences upon mate selection. Especially personalty attraction and value similarity is important.

(3) Love(affection) and sexuality is necessary, but premarital sex needs not to marry.

(4) Generally they are openhearted meeting their partners.

3) The importance of mate selection conditions was ordered. The sequences as follows;

(1) health, (2) personality, (3) love, (4) living ability, (5) value orientation, (6) a bright future, (7) virginity, (8) growth environment, (9) occupation, (10) education level, (11) approval of parents

4) Subjects offered their opinions to young people. Their opinions as follows;

(1) personality, (2) humanity, (3) love, (4) health, (5) living ability, (6) growth environment (7) a bright future must be considered well.

Through this study, I can result that the phenomenon of mate selection in changing Korean family has become individualistic. In morden mate selection, internal traits(love, personality, health, value, living ability etc.) is important especially.
Issued Date
Research Laboratory
Alternative Author(s)
Jung, Min-Ja
울산대학교 저작물은 저작권에 의해 보호받습니다.
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Research Laboratory > University of Ulsan Report
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