福社國家의 社會倫理的性格

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A Study on the Social Ethics of the Welfare State
最近 우리나라에서도 [福祉國家]가 매력있는 標語로 자주 등장애지만 복지국가의 개념을 어떻게 규정할 것인가. 정확하게 말한다면 現在까지 一致된 견해는 없는 것이다. 다만 第2次大戰後 이 개념은 중요한 意義를 가지고 광범하게 보급되어진 것이라고 하겠다. 물론 사회복지란 말하는 사람에 따라 표현의 차이는 있겠으나 대체로 인간이 사회생활을 營爲하는데 필요한 정신적 및 물질적인 환경조건을 공동의 合意에 의한 목표에 접근시키려는 행동 및 그 體系라고 말할 수 있다. 그러므로 경제성장의 성과는 개인적인 소비수준의 향상보다는 사회간접자본의 충실도, 환경보호, 소득분배의 公正性등에 의하여 평가 되어야 한다.

또 그것은 어느 누구의 强要에 의해서가 아니라 모든 社會構成員들의 자발적인 참여와 협조에 의해서 추진되지 않으면 안된다.

[히틀러]時代의 독일의 완전고용상태가 결코 福祉社會이지는 않았다는 말은 그 때문이다. 헌법에 보장된 모든 국민의 [人間다운 生活을 할 權利]의 내용이 어떤것이냐의 물음이 지금처럼 절실히 느껴지는 때는 일찍이 없었던 것이다. 우리는 차제의 사회복지가 經濟成長뒤에 課題라는 인식을 전면적으로 고쳐야 하겠다. 물론 經濟成長없이 복지국가가 이루어지기란 어려운 일이다. 그러나 現代國家의 社會福祉란 지난날의 救貧制度와는 본질적으로 性格이 다른 것이다.

그러므로 政府의 정책이나 기업운영은 말할 것도 없고 일반국민들의 일상생활에서도 복지국가의 개념이 정당성과 道義의 기준이 되지 않으면 안된다. 그것은 한마디로 말하여 사회 봉사정신이며 공동체의식이다. 격심한 경제난국을 슬기롭게 극복하는 길이 올바른 복지국가의 구현에 있다는 사실을 명심해야 할 것이다.
We are more and more talking about impending necessity of increasing welfare programs for the masses in parallel with the rapid industrial growth of the nation.

For a number of years we have felt dubious about the concept of "the Welfare State" as applied to contemporary society, and increasingly bewildered by the vague way in which these words have come to be used as a means of describing the aims and functions of a modern state.

The national economy itself is primarily aimed at redistributing wealth earned through industrialization among the people at large, particularly in the form of promoting the welfare for the masses.

The supreme target of national politics is none other than to create a society where every one of us can lead a happy and comfortable life, which is immediately connected with the promotion of the welfare for people.

Leading the people to believe in equilibrium of earnings is the right was and a short cut to giving them a sense of responsibility for state affairs as masters of the country.

We believe that systematic and effective measures must be sought to implement social welfare policies faithfully. Asking enterprises alone to awaken will be insufficient to achieve that end.

It is our eager hope that the government will take an epock-marking and new series of steps for the promotion of welfare in the dimension of the national consensus.
We are more and more talking about impending necessity of increasing welfare programs for the masses in parallel with the rapid industrial growth of the nation.

For a number of years we have felt dubious about the concept of "the Welfare State" as applied to contemporary society, and increasingly bewildered by the vague way in which these words have come to be used as a means of describing the aims and functions of a modern state.

The national economy itself is primarily aimed at redistributing wealth earned through industrialization among the people at large, particularly in the form of promoting the welfare for the masses.

The supreme target of national politics is none other than to create a society where every one of us can lead a happy and comfortable life, which is immediately connected with the promotion of the welfare for people.

Leading the people to believe in equilibrium of earnings is the right was and a short cut to giving them a sense of responsibility for state affairs as masters of the country.

We believe that systematic and effective measures must be sought to implement social welfare policies faithfully. Asking enterprises alone to awaken will be insufficient to achieve that end.

It is our eager hope that the government will take an epock-marking and new series of steps for the promotion of welfare in the dimension of the national consensus.
Issued Date
Research Laboratory
Alternative Author(s)
Kim, Woo Sung
울산대학교 저작물은 저작권에 의해 보호받습니다.
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Research Laboratory > University of Ulsan Report
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