福祉社會에 있어서 生存權의 意義

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The Significance of the Right to Live in a Welfare Society
人間은 태어나는 時間과 場所를 자기 스스로 선택할수는 없다.

단 한번뿐인 人生에 있어서 生命活動 卽 生活이 現代에서는 어떠한 條件과 特質 혹은 傾向을 가지고 展開되는지 또한 어떤 問題와 모순이 생기고 形成되어가고 있는지를 現在의 우리 現實속에서 探究하며, 現代의 社會問題가 다른 사람의 일이 아니라는 問題性의 擴大 그리고 그 原因의 社會體制上의 所在를 정확히 파악하고 問題의 日常性과 具體的인 諸制度에 內包되어진 現實을 檢討 追求?構資? 한다.

要컨대 人權으로서의 社會福祉를 福祉問題의 起點으로 하고 그 內容과 展望을 展開하는것이 이 연구의 目的이다.
Man is doomed to live only once in a given world; he can not decide himself when and where to be born.

The writer will try to find out in this paper what conditions or characteristics or tendencies are involved in the life of modern men and what problems and contradictions emerge and develop in out living conditions.

It is important to note that the task of establishing a welfare society is not anybody else's but our own. And we should recognize that the factors inimical to the establishment of a welfare society can be found in our daily life and our particular social institutions. The social well-being ought to be considered as a basic human right; therefore, it is desirable to approach the matter in question from this point of view. The purpose of this study is to examine the problems concerning the social welfare as a human right, and thereby suggest some possible solutions predictable in the future.
Man is doomed to live only once in a given world; he can not decide himself when and where to be born.

The writer will try to find out in this paper what conditions or characteristics or tendencies are involved in the life of modern men and what problems and contradictions emerge and develop in out living conditions.

It is important to note that the task of establishing a welfare society is not anybody else's but our own. And we should recognize that the factors inimical to the establishment of a welfare society can be found in our daily life and our particular social institutions. The social well-being ought to be considered as a basic human right; therefore, it is desirable to approach the matter in question from this point of view. The purpose of this study is to examine the problems concerning the social welfare as a human right, and thereby suggest some possible solutions predictable in the future.
Issued Date
Research Laboratory
Alternative Author(s)
Kim,Woo Sung
울산대학교 저작물은 저작권에 의해 보호받습니다.
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Research Laboratory > University of Ulsan Report
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