北韓의 早期敎育科 社會化 政策

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Socialization Policy and Pre-school Education in North Korea
本 硏究의 目的은 北韓의 早期敎育 實態를 分析함으로서 그들이 추진하고 있는 社會化 政策의 특징을 究明하고자 하는 것이다.

最近 早期敎育의 重要性이 인식됨에 따라 北韓에서도 託兒所와 幼稚園의 敎育이 制度化, 강화되고 있다. 그 意圖는 家庭이 갖고 있는 一次的이며 非公式的인 社會化 機能을 약화시키고 公式的 敎育을 통한 意圖的인 社會化를 강화시킴으로서 "共産主義的 새 人間"을 造型하기 위한 기초작업을 하기 위한 것이다. 이 過程속에 나타난 저들의 社會化政策의 특징은 다음과 같다.

첫째:早期敎育이라는 名分下에 子女들은 父母와 分離시켜 家庭의 社會化 機能은 말살되고, 託兒所, 幼稚園에 의해 그 기능이 代行되도록 制度化하고 있다.

둘째:金日成 主體思想과 우상화를 위한 내용만이 注入되고 있으며 이는 金日成 일인독재체재의 유지와 合理化를 위한 것이다.

셋째:오로지 政治思想 敎化를 통한 강력하고 意圖的인 政治社會化를 추진하고 있다. 이를 위하 場으로서 託兒所, 幼稚園이 利用되고 있을 뿐이다.

넷째:組織的이고 劃一的이며 集團主義的 社會化 政策이 추진되고 있다. 모든 어린이들은 金日成의 學習原理에 따라 行動하고 生覺하고 말하도록 강요되고 있다.
The aim of this study is to find the characteristics of the socialization policy through analyzing the pre-school education in North Korea.

With the recognizing the importance of early education for pre-school children lately, in North Korea, they changed the educational system, and have built up the education of their nurseries and kindergartens. But the purpose of them is to weaken the primary and informal junction of socialization by the family, and to create the "New Communist Man through the formal and purpfsive socialization process. the results that are found in this study could be presented such a summarized form as follows:

First; They separate the children from their parents in the name of pre-school education. So the function of socialization by the family was obliterated perfectly and it is performed by the nurseries and kindergartens.

Second; The personal cult in North Korea is strengthened, and Kim Il Sung's "Juche(selfrehance) is indectrinated for his consohdating position in society and maintainance of Kim Il Sung's dictatorial rule.

Third; They urge ideological education. The strong and purposive pohtical socialzation is now under way through the formalized education in the nurseries and kindergarteds.

Forth; They are carring out the systematic, uniform and collectivistic sociahzahzation pohcy.

All cheildren must act, think and talk according to the learning principles land down by Kim Il Sung.
The aim of this study is to find the characteristics of the socialization policy through analyzing the pre-school education in North Korea.

With the recognizing the importance of early education for pre-school children lately, in North Korea, they changed the educational system, and have built up the education of their nurseries and kindergartens. But the purpose of them is to weaken the primary and informal junction of socialization by the family, and to create the "New Communist Man through the formal and purpfsive socialization process. the results that are found in this study could be presented such a summarized form as follows:

First; They separate the children from their parents in the name of pre-school education. So the function of socialization by the family was obliterated perfectly and it is performed by the nurseries and kindergartens.

Second; The personal cult in North Korea is strengthened, and Kim Il Sung's "Juche(selfrehance) is indectrinated for his consohdating position in society and maintainance of Kim Il Sung's dictatorial rule.

Third; They urge ideological education. The strong and purposive pohtical socialzation is now under way through the formalized education in the nurseries and kindergarteds.

Forth; They are carring out the systematic, uniform and collectivistic sociahzahzation pohcy.

All cheildren must act, think and talk according to the learning principles land down by Kim Il Sung.
Issued Date
Research Laboratory
Alternative Author(s)
Kim,Song Il
울산대학교 저작물은 저작권에 의해 보호받습니다.
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Research Laboratory > University of Ulsan Report
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