悲劇的 藝術論

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The Theory of the Tragic Art
리어王은 가장 복잡한 비극의 하나다. 작품의 복잡성이 그 작품의 우열을 평가하는 기준은 아니지만 그 복잡성에 유기적 통일이 이루어져 있으면 그만큼 더 풍부한 체험을 그 작품은 ?┛幣? 것이다.

통일의식은 복잡성에서 얻어진다. 복잡성이란 세부의 다양성 다층성(多層性)을 의미하는데 그러한 세부가 일관된 전체에 종속되는 것이 유기적 통일이다. 이 유기적 통일은 발생학적으로 작가의 의도 즉 작품에 대한 작가의 주제의식에서 생긴다.

이 글에서 필자는 리어王의 복잡한 세부를 일관해 있고 전 세부가 종속되는 작가의 의도 주제의식을 분석한다.
W.B.Yeats's secse of tragic life was deepened by his profound understanding of Shakespearean view of tragedies. His sense was a clue to this writing, in which I present a new approach to King Lear. Yeats once said : "Among the subfective men, the victory is a daily intellectual recreation of all that exterior fate snatches away, and so that fate's antithesis. We begin to live when we have conceived life as a tragedy." And the heroes of Shakesperean tragedies are the ones who recreate all that extior fate snatches away. Man's victory, that is, man's greatness lies in his capabilities of that kind of recreation in his tragic situation.
W.B.Yeats's secse of tragic life was deepened by his profound understanding of Shakespearean view of tragedies. His sense was a clue to this writing, in which I present a new approach to King Lear. Yeats once said : "Among the subfective men, the victory is a daily intellectual recreation of all that exterior fate snatches away, and so that fate's antithesis. We begin to live when we have conceived life as a tragedy." And the heroes of Shakesperean tragedies are the ones who recreate all that extior fate snatches away. Man's victory, that is, man's greatness lies in his capabilities of that kind of recreation in his tragic situation.
Issued Date
Research Laboratory
Alternative Author(s)
Hong,Ki Chang
울산대학교 저작물은 저작권에 의해 보호받습니다.
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Research Laboratory > University of Ulsan Report
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