悲劇 Macbeth에 나타난 Double-vision 考

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On the Double-vision of 'Mecbeth'
悲劇 Macbeth 作品에 관련된 在來의 여러가지 批評的 背景과 本 作品 分析과 감상에 있어서 主人公의 性格發展, 魔女들의 影響問題 및 Plot의 進行에 立脚한 心象의 展開에서 서로 相反되는 槪念들을 찾아 劇에 주는 效果를 檢討해 보았다. 또한 主人公의 悲劇的 性質을 糾明하기 爲하여 Macbeth와 Lady Macbeth의 성격 分析과 아울러 Richard Ⅲ과의 悲劇的 人物의 特性을 比較함과 同時에 Macbeth의 心象 世界와 그 限界를 調査해 보았다.
This paper is aimed at investigating the imagery development and dramatic characters of Macbeth and Lady Macbeth shown in the play, including the conventional critical background of the masseffect of the Three Witches concerned. In doing so, I found that there is plenty of the opposite conception of dualism in the imagery developement, i,e, reality and appearance, love-fear theme, order-disorder antithesis, good and evil, light and darkness, etc, which greatly influenced the plot development of the play.

I have attempted character analysis and a comparative study between Macbeth and his wife. I have also a particular comparison with Richard Ⅲ. Furthermore , I surveyed Macbeth's imagery world and its limitations.
This paper is aimed at investigating the imagery development and dramatic characters of Macbeth and Lady Macbeth shown in the play, including the conventional critical background of the masseffect of the Three Witches concerned. In doing so, I found that there is plenty of the opposite conception of dualism in the imagery developement, i,e, reality and appearance, love-fear theme, order-disorder antithesis, good and evil, light and darkness, etc, which greatly influenced the plot development of the play.

I have attempted character analysis and a comparative study between Macbeth and his wife. I have also a particular comparison with Richard Ⅲ. Furthermore , I surveyed Macbeth's imagery world and its limitations.
Issued Date
Research Laboratory
Alternative Author(s)
Kwon, Eui Moo
울산대학교 저작물은 저작권에 의해 보호받습니다.
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Research Laboratory > University of Ulsan Report
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