사회주의 국가헌법상 입법부의 지위와 기능

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The Status and the Function of the Legislature in the Constitutions of the Socialist States
소련 헌법은 권력통합 원리에 기초한 소비에트제도를 규정하고 있다. 소비에트제는 국가권력이 입법부인 소비에트에 집중되고, 기타 국가기관은 모두 소비에트에 종속되도록 되어있다. 많은 학자들은 이 소비에트제가 헌법상으롬나 국가최고권력기관이라고 되어 있을 뿐, 실제로는 공산당에 모든 권력이 집중되고 있다고 생각하여 왔다. 그러나 최근 연구와 자료에 의하면, 소비에트와 그 대의원의 지위의 강화, 상임위원회의 활동, 특히 소비에트와 대의원을 통한 통제기능이 강조되고 있음을 보게 된다.

여러가지 제도적, 실체적인 한계가 있기는 하지만, 그럼에도 불구하고 소비에트가 형식적인 합의형성의 '고무도장' 이상의 어떤 기능을 수행하고 있음은 사실이라고 생각되며, 이러나 관점에서 소비에트에 대한 우리의 새로운 관심이 요구되고 있다.
Teh constitution of the USSR prescribes a soviet system based on the principle of concentration of powers. In soviet system, all the state powers are concentrated to the legislature, the soviets, and the other state bodies are subordinate to the soviets. Many scholars think that the soviet are the highest body of state authority only in the constitution, in reality all the powers are in the hand of the communist party.

But the recent documents and studies emphasize that the status of the soviets and its deputies has strengthened and the function of control through the soviets, the standing committees and its deputies are regarded as important.

Though there are various systematic and substantial restrictions, it seems true that the soviets carry out some functions more than a rubber stamp of formal formation of concensus, ad from this point of view, we should have to give new attention tothe soviet system.
Teh constitution of the USSR prescribes a soviet system based on the principle of concentration of powers. In soviet system, all the state powers are concentrated to the legislature, the soviets, and the other state bodies are subordinate to the soviets. Many scholars think that the soviet are the highest body of state authority only in the constitution, in reality all the powers are in the hand of the communist party.

But the recent documents and studies emphasize that the status of the soviets and its deputies has strengthened and the function of control through the soviets, the standing committees and its deputies are regarded as important.

Though there are various systematic and substantial restrictions, it seems true that the soviets carry out some functions more than a rubber stamp of formal formation of concensus, ad from this point of view, we should have to give new attention tothe soviet system.
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Research Laboratory
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울산대학교 저작물은 저작권에 의해 보호받습니다.
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